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Erik has been awake for a while now. He has been alternating between touching Cobie’s hair, trailing a finger down his nose, his cheeks and his lips. His little angel. His little spitfire. Erik mentally snorts at that, if Cobie heard him say those words, he’d pretty much either punch him in the face or kick him in the dick or even maybe both.

Cobie lets out a small sigh and moved closer. He’s on his side, both hands tucked under his face. Erik hopes when his mate opens his eyes, they would be the same gold they’ve been for days. He had searched the internet for the meaning behind the color, gold and he had liked what he found. He remembers clearly what the site had said.

Gold represents love and passion.

Erik bit his lip to keep back his laugh when he hears Cobie’s stomach rumble. He gets off the bed and looked for his pants, he checks the pockets for his phone and tugs it out when he finds it. There were no missed calls, just a couple of texts and emails. He doesn’t bother to look through them, if there was a problem, Michel or the others would have let him know through the pack link.

He orders a large pepperoni pizza, spicy chicken wings and two pints of Ben and Jerry’s Strawberry cheesecake. He has seen Cobie eat this a couple of times at the house. He walks back to the room and lays back down on the bed and resumes his watching. He knew Cobie was usually alert when he slept, so it warmed his heart that Cobie could let go, could let his guard down around Erik because he felt safe.

Erik gets this intense feeling like something was moving within him, almost like something was crawling or pacing within him. He looks down at his fingers, expecting to see his claws. He wiggles his fingers for a bit and folds it into fists.  He still couldn’t believe he had been that stupid. He had practically attacked Cobie that Saturday and yet, this perfect, this ridiculously brave and sweet man, was here. Within arm’s reach. He didn’t run. He was right here, in front of him.

He’s startled when a smaller hand wraps around his fist. He looks up to find Cobie awake and staring at him. Erik’s breath hitched in his throat when he sees Cobie’s eyes were still gold.

“What are you thinking?” Cobie asks, his voice soft and sleepy.

Erik moved closer and opens his palms so he could intertwine his fingers with Cobie’s. “I was thinking about you and this …feeling I’ve been getting lately.”

“What feeling? Is everything alright?”

“Remember how I told you about my wolf awakening?” Erik asks. He had told Cobie about everyone’s hypothesis during their first date. He continues when Cobie nods. “I feel something moving within me, kinda like its either packing slowly or crawling and I don’t know what to do.”

“Maybe your wolf really is awakening. It might take some time though. If you feel uncomfortable, you can call me and I’ll give you a good cuddle.”

Cobie feels his cheeks heat up as Erik stared at him for a little while. He turns redder when Erik smirks and moved closer.

“There are other things we could do instead of cuddle.”

Cobie scoffs, despite his red cheeks. “Unless you want to go back to using your right hand, I suggest you rephrase that sentence.”

Like Erik said, his little spitfire.

“What I meant was, we could cuddle and maybe you could read to me. I found this app where people write books, it’s called Wattpad. I heard there are some good books on there.” Erik says with an air of innocence. Cobie couldn’t help but burst into laughter. He shakes his head at his mate and slides out of the bed, as naked as the day he was born.

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