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Cobie, Erik. Aetos, Randall, Michel and Gabriel were all seated in Erik's office. Erik was seated behind his desk, Michel in the seat across him while Cobie and Randall were seated on the couch, Gabriel perched on the table facing the two of them.

"So you're a fish?"

"He's not a fish, Gabby." Aetos replies as he leans against the wall and faced the room at large.

"Don't call me that."

"Don't call him that." Gabriel and Michel chorus at the same time.

Cobie tilts his head to the side as he stared at the two of them, his brow raised in amusement. He bites his bottom lip to keep back his laughter. Gabriel's cheeks have a pink tint on while Michel on the other hand was staring at the ground, the tips of his ears burning red.  They were adorable.

Cobie looks away from them, his eyes finding their way to Erik. According to what Gabriel had told him, Erik was the reason or was part of the reason why Michel and Gabriel couldn't be together. As he stared at Erik who was already looking right at him, he wondered why.

Michel seemed like a good guy and Gabriel was smitten with him. So why?

"If you're not a fish then what are you?" Gabriel asked.

Cobie doesn't look away from Erik who winked at him. "I'm half Merman, half Wolf."

Everyone besides Erik stared at him with wide eyes, his answer seemed to have shocked Aetos the most because the man stood up straight and his mouth was slightly open again. No one says anything and not quite sure where to look, Cobie goes back to staring at Erik who stared right back.

"That's ... wow."

"Hmm." Cobie hummed. He didn't really need their opinion on this, the only person whose opinion really counted was Erik. Truthfully Cobie didn't want to tell them but he had gone through it mentally and decides it was just the best thing to do. It'd be one less burden or secret for Erik to carry.

"Do you have a tail? Are you one of those halfies who turn full Mer when they touch water?" Randall asked.

"I'm not. I can do other things but I don't ...um.... Have a tail and such." Cobie replied, his cheeks heating up. The questions were getting a bit much and he wasn't sure he could answer anymore. Erik notices the way Cobie was nervously shifting and decides this conversation was over.

"Alright! No more questions. If you have anything to say or to ask, shove it into a box and push it to the back of your mind. Leave my mate alone." Erik snaps.

"I actually wanted to tell you all that I am leaving today. I have a couple of things to sort out with my clan." Aetos says, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. "If you need me, I'm just a call away."

"Have a safe trip." Erik replies, standing up from his chair. He makes his way around it and pulls Aetos in for a tight but brief hug. Cobie watched the two men and wow... he's going to save this image in his head for a while.

"I have pack training to get to otherwise I would have driven you to the border myself. So I'll send some of our best with you." Michel says, standing up to give Aetos a hand shake. Though the Vampire had come with bad news about a pack member, he was going to leave on a lighter, happier mood.

"It's alright. Ii can go myself."

"I can take you. I need to get a couple of things from my house too." Cobie offered, sinking into the couch a little as all eyes turn towards him. "I've got a car, you all know this. Why are you looking at me like I just sprouted another head?"

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