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Cobie pauses when he sees the person beside him was Erik, he goes cold when he sees the look he was receiving from the Alpha. He wonders what he could be possibly looking at before he realises it was his eyes. Cobie quickly turns his head to the side and tries to get up, fear creeping up his spine. He tries to get out of the bed but his legs wouldn’t co-operate, they felt like jelly.

“What the fuck is wrong with your eyes?!” Erik snaps, grabbing Cobie’s shoulder and pulling to the bed.

Cobie squeezed his eyes shut and refused to reply. He knows the various ways this was going to go. He just wasn’t prepared though, he thought he had time. He thought if he had stayed by himself at home and reduced the number of friends he made in Astir he’d be safe. The only reason he had pulled out his lens when he experiencing his bouts of pain a few days ago was because it was annoying him, increasing his discomfort the more. Right now though, he wants to run. He’s got an angry Alpha in bed with him.

Cobie’s eyes turn black with fear as he feels Erik hand still on his shoulder. His fear heightened as Erik pulls himself up into a sitting position and focused his angry stare at him.

“You don’t get to shut your fúcking mouth right now.” Erik barks, shaking Cobie. “I knew you were crazy but I didn’t know you were some kind of fre-“

Cobie lets out a whimper. It comes out before he could stop it. He tries to shake Erik’s hold off his shoulder but the Alpha wasn’t budging and Cobie could feel the anger radiating off of him. He doesn’t open his eyes, his heart felt like someone had squeezed it a little. Was this the Alpha he was worried about? Why was he being McStupid again?

He tries to move again but his body felt like jelly. He settles for screaming instead. He just needed to be away from Erik. He was able to get out a little scream before Erik slammed his palm onto Cobie’s mouth. Cobie’s eyes water at the pain that exploded, his vision turning white for a second.  Just as Erik was about to speak again much to Cobie’s fear, the door was pushed open and Cobie opens his eyes. Michel runs in with Randall and Gabriel behind him as well as a Korean man Cobie couldn’t help but feel he had seen somewhere.

“What happened?” The Korean man asks as he moves to the front of the group.

“Get me out of here, right now.” Cobie demanded, still trying to shake off Erik’s grp. He knows his eyes must have changed colour because Randall and Gabriel gasp.

“You see it too right? He’s a little frea-“

Cobie doesn’t know where he gets the strength from but he raises his hand and punches Erik right in the nose. The impact was strong enough to snap Erik’s head to the side but no damage was made. Curse, his werewolf gene.

“Can someone get me the fúck out of here?” Cobie asks again, wincing as his voice breaks in the middle. The one thing Cobie loved about himself were his eyes, the colours and how they express what he feels. He goes weak when it’s insulted by someone and it hurts the more now because he had briefly thought Erik would be different. Randall was the first to move towards Cobie but the Korean man stopped him.

“You can’t leave till the two of you are recovered. The most we can do is move you to another room.” The Korean man says and Cobie nods. He would take anything, he just wants to be away from Erik.

“Get the weri-“

“Shut your fucking mouth before I punch you one more time.” Cobie growls, clenching his fists as he tries his best not to look at Erik. His eyes flash red with anger and he receives another collective gasp from Randall and Gabriel.

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