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Previously on Silver Moon

Lying down on the floor, nose caked with dried blood, trails of dried blood on his cheeks and around his mouth was Cobie. One eye was pitch black and the other red, there was a pool of blood around his head but the icing on the cake was when his heart beats, one, two, three times...

and stops.


Se Ju almost screams when he hears the last heartbeat. He stares at the body on the ground, guilt spreading through his body, the coppery smell of blood hanging poignant in the air. Just as he was about to take a step forward. He's pushed aside by a dark-skinned man, who kneels beside Cobie. Se Ju watched as the man takes Cobie's hand in his starts whispering. His voice so low, even Se Ju couldn't pick up on it with his enhanced hearing.

"Don't just stand there. I need you to kneel beside him and hit his chest repeatedly." The dark skinned man says. Se Ju has a lot of questions to ask but he doesn't hesitate to do as the man says. He kneels beside Cobie's silent and unmoving body and places his hand on Cobie's chest.

"No." the strange man says. "I want you to hit him in the chest as hard as you can."

"That would brea-"

"I'll heal him. He's not too far gone, he just needs something painful to frighten him awake." The stranger says. Se Ju stared at Cobie then at the stranger and nodded. He raised his hand and hit Cobie as hard as he could, without restraint, on the chest. He hears a small crack but that didn't seem to be enough for the dark skinned stranger because he says...


Se Ju raises his hand and brought it down on Cobie's chest just as the door swung open and Michel came in. Se Ju didn't even bother to look, if there was a chance at Cobie coming back, he'd take it, saving Cobie meant saving Erik. The second hit seemed to be enough, for the stranger who began to chant. Se Ju watched as Cobie's veins began to glow a soft blue that looked almost white, he tears his gaze away from Cobie to the stranger and stares in shock at the stranger whose eyes have turned pure white and had the same glow as that of Cobie.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

"SILENCE!" the dark skinned man screamed, his voice sounding distorted. Almost like three people were saying that one word. Speaking at the same time. He sounded so powerful, Michel and Se Ju almost cower.

"What in sweet moon is going on?" Michael asks, his voice flitting through the pack link.

"Cobie's dead."  Mitchel goes still at that. "He died immediately I came in."

Michel looks at Cobie's lifeless body with wide eyes. Sometimes, the brightest people miss the little things but this was on a scale of its own. If Cobie's dead, what then happens to Erik? Does he die too?
Se Ju must have seen the look on his face because the Korean doctor goes white with fear. He moves to get up. Someone has to check Erik. What if he took his last breath just as Cobie? What if Eri-


Se Ju's jaw drops to the ground. Had he heard what he just heard or as his mind playing tricks on him again. He looks at Cobie's body then at the stranger who was still chanting and then, he hears it again. This time louder than the last.


Cobie's heart... it's impossible. He looks at Michel who looked seconds away from crying. Cobie's heart was beating. It was getting stronger with each beat.

"Hit him again."

This time it wasn't Se Ju who hit Cobie in the chest but Michel. He takes a deep breath and raises his hand, he drops it so heavily on Cobie's chest that the once –dead man woke up screaming. He screamed so loud, it made Michel and Se Ju's ears throbs. Hell, they think everyone in Astir heard it. Cobie doesn't open his eyes as he scream. He screams and screams until his body was spent and then passes out. 

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