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It's been a day since Mel had been dropped off and the intense training had begun. To be honest, Cobie hadn't seen much of Aetos since his return. He and Colson had spent their time at a local arms store and had spent the entire day making their bullets.

And for training with some of pack members who wanted to learn how to shoot, they got bean bag bullets for practice.

Cobie has spent the night wrapped in Erik's arms as the man kept whispering his promise to keep him safe.

It's 8 am and it's been an hour since Cobie and Erik had eaten breakfast. They were both in Erik's office. Erik behind his large mahogany table and Cobie on the couch.

"Do we need to call in Toby? Maybe purify the land again with his blood." Cobie asked as he stared at the small black .22 handgun on the table.

"We can do that. We can also add more people on night patrol. You know the saying, the devil comes at night." Erik replied as he looked through the papers on his desk.

"We already have too much people on night patrol. People who have families to think and take care of." Cobie sighed and leaned against the couch.

"They knew what they were getting into when they applied to be pack warriors." Erik grunted.

"You can't over work them, Peaches." Cobie said, shooting Erik a pointed look. The Alpha was about to reply when they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Aetos walked in and right behind him was a vampire that Cobie hadn't think he'd be seeing.

The same vampire who had called him a little bag of blood and a low life. It was Pytor, the vampire who had visited with Queen Freya of the Seelies.

"Damn it."

Cobie smirked. "Hello to you too." Cobie said, his voice strong and eyes a bright red as he stared at Pytor.

"I take it you two know each other?"

"They met a couple of weeks ago and it didn't end well." Erik replied as he got up from his chair. He flexed his fingers.

"Ugh. I need a drink." Pytor groaned and made his way over to the window. Cobie still couldn't for the life of him understand how Aetos and Pytor could walk under the sun without being burnt to a crisp.

"Do you have any news?"

"The car we left her in is still there but one of the people I had watching her, told us she broke into a car and drove off. We have the license plate number and was able to track her but we lost her at Martinville."

"So we definitely know she's gone. We just don't know where and if she had gotten there."

"It gives us a couple of days to prepare. Four at best." Pytor said. "The Seelies would be here in three days." Just as Erik was about to speak again, there was a knock on the door.

Colson walked into the room and frowned a little when he looked at the two vampires seated happily in the middle of the room.

"Why aren't you two screaming and burning?" Colson asked as he takes a seat beside Cobie.

"Hold the fucking phone. There's two of them?" Pytor asked, his eyes wide and mouth open.

Cobie rolled his eyes. "Yes, we are twins."

Aetos on the other hand was quiet. He was staring at Colson with an unreadable expression on his face. Colson wasn't even looking Aetos' way. He looked right past him like he was just a regular ... vampire. Though the fact that they weren't burning, puzzled him.

"I don't even wanna know. I just feel bad for poor Erik."

"Pytor..." Erik growled.

Pytor raised both hands up as a sign of peace. "Chill, Erik. Chill."

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