Jaime Preciado | You Meet Again after You Break Up

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You were at Tim Hortons, drinking a cup of coffee, when you heard the bell on the door jingle and looked up to see who had come in. You immediately recognized who it was by the tattoos and the way he casually strolled up to the counter. It was Jaime, your ex boyfriend. You had just broken up with him a little while and you weren't over him yet. You watched as he ordered a coffee and a muffin and waited for his food. Once he got his food, he turned around and went to go find a table. You turned to look out the window as he passed you so he wouldn't see you and want to strike up a conversation. You continued drinking your coffee and later on, turned around to see if he had left yet.

He was looking in your direction and caught your eye. He smiled and came over to talk. You smiled back and turned around again, taking another sip of your coffee, mentally cursing yourself for being so stupid and turning around to see if he had left.

He sat down across from you and put his coffee cup on the table. "So, how's life?"

"It's good. How about you?"

"It's fine."

"How's the band?"

"It's going along good," he said quickly, probably wanting to get onto the thing he actually wanted to talk about.

"So what did you come here to talk about?"

"I just wanted to talk to you."

"OK, I mean what did you really come here to talk about?"

He sighed, then said "I miss you, Y/N."

"You cheated on me, Jaime."


You walked into you and Jaime's shared apartment, only to see that it was empty. Jaime wasn't there and he wasn't with the guys or anywhere else either. Then you noticed you and Jaime's shared room was closed and decided to see if he was in there.

You opened the door and saw Jaime in the bed. With another girl. Jaime and the girl heard the door open and turned around. You recognized the girl to be none other than your best friend. You went out the door, got your suitcase and went back into the room to gather up your belongings to leave. The girl got dressed quickly and ran out the door. After you put your belongings in your suitcase, you shut it and headed for the door.

Jaime got to the door faster, and blocked it so you couldn't get out. "Y/N. I'm sorry, let me explain..."

"No, Jaime! I'm not going to let you explain! Get out of my way! We're over!"

When you said those words, he didn't say anything and just got out of the doorway. You walked out the door and went to your family's house and decided to stay there, not wanting to go back into Jaime's apartment again.

*End Flashback*

"I know I did and I'm really sorry. Just give me one more chance."

"Why? So you can sleep with girls behind my back? So you can trick me into thinking you love me?"

"I do love you, Y/N."

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have cheated on me with my best friend!"

He took your hands in his and you pulled them out and placed them back on the table.

He sighed. "Y/N, please. I'm sorry and I won't do it again. I miss you and I love you so much, you don't even know," he said, a desperate tone in his voice.

You thought about it for a while. You missed him too and you decided to give him a second chance. "Fine. But if I see you cheating again, then we're over. For good."

He smiled at me. "Thanks for giving me a second chance. I promise I won't ever cheat on you again."

He kissed you, making you realize how much you had actually missed him. "God, I missed you so much."

"Me too. I love you."

He smiled. "I missed hearing those words from you." You both stood up and walked out of the Tim Hortons, him holding your hand, walking back to his back to his apartment to go back to the life with Jaime that you had grown accustomed to.

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