Pierce The Veil | How You Meet

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Vic Fuentes:

You wake up to your alarm playing and look at the time. It's 6:00am. You sit up quickly to turn the alarm off and hit your head on the shelf above your bed. You rub your head where you had hit it and mumbled "Ouch." You get out of bed and had a shower. When you get out, you put on your jogging outfit, brushed your hair and put it in a ponytail before heading out the door and walking to the park. When you get to the park, you put your earphones in and started jogging around the park. You were so into your music that you didn't notice someone walking towards and you bumped into him. You stumbled and almost fell when you felt his hand on your arm to support you. You looked up and were shocked to see Vic Fuentes standing in front of you. You blushed and were too shocked to say anything.

He smiled at your reaction. "I'm so sorry. Are you OK?"

You were still shocked, but you managed to say "Yeah, I'm fine."

He let go of your arm. You hadn't even noticed he was still holding it. "How can I make up for it?"

"It's fine, really."

"How about I take you to that new coffee place that just opened?"

"Are you sure? I mean, I don't want you spending your money on me."

He smiled. "It's fine," He said and you two walked to the coffee place. When you got there, you talked, had a nice time and he gave you his number.

Mike Fuentes:

You were at the local pet shelter just cleaning, when you heard the door open. Normally, it wouldn't have been a big deal, but today it was noisier than when someone normally came in. You went out front and were shocked to see your favorite band, Pierce The Veil. You saw that one of them, Mike Fuentes, was holding a dirty kitten in his arms.

"I'll take care of her" you said as you stepped forward and carefully took the kitten out of his arms. She meowed softly.

"Can I see what you do?" He asked.

"Sure" you said as you walked to the back. You washed the kitten gently and carefully, making sure to get all the dirt off and put her in an empty cage. You put some food and water in the cage and shut the door, making sure to lock it.

"You look like you really care about and love the animals" he said.

"I do. I have a kitten at home and I'd hate if anything happened to her."

You heard Vic call for him. He gave you a slip of paper with his number on it. "Well, you can call me later if you want" he said as he met with his band again and I heard the familiar sound of the bell ringing and the door closing shut behind them.

Tony Perry:

You were at a Star Wars Celebration and were dressed as Princess Leia. You were looking at some souvenirs when you saw a guy looking at you. He was wearing a Jedi costume and you were shocked to see that it was Tony Perry from Pierce The Veil. He smiled at you and looked away. When it was almost time to leave the Celebration, he still hadn't come up to talk to you, he just kept glancing at you and smiling. You knew he was shy, so you decided to go up to him. When you got to him, he looked at you and smiled. "Hi, I like your costume. Jedi, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I like yours too" he said a little awkwardly. You heard the people announcing that they were going to close soon. I wrote my number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. "You can call me, if you want." He smiled and took the paper.

"I will," he said.

You smiled, said bye and went home to wait for his phone call.

Jaime Preciado:

You were with your friends after the Pierce The Veil concert and they wanted to go to the meet and greet. You were a bit nervous to go since you were really shy, but you loved Pierce The Veil so you agreed to go. There were a lot of prettier, more outgoing and confident girls there and you started to feel insecure. When it was time to go up, your friends were excited and screaming. You were excited too, but you were nervous, so you just got autographs, didn't talk a lot and just smiled.

You noticed Jaime Preciado look at you and smile and you awkwardly smiled back. When you got to him, he signed your shirt and your piece of paper and you noticed that he wrote his number on it. "Call me and we can go out someplace. Maybe then you'll be more comfortable."

You blushed and could only nod and say "OK."

He smiled as your friends came up to and you started to leave. You hid the paper in your purse quickly so your friends wouldn't notice it, but you were still a little red and they eventually found out what happened. They were jealous, excited and happy for you and they teased you about it, which made you more red.

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