Jinxx Request

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Your hands shook as you looked at the pregnancy test held in them, waiting to see what the results were. Eventually two small blue lines appeared and felt a wave of different emotions wash over you as you stared at the screen. Pregnant.

You had started getting some symptoms a while after Jinxx left but just put it off, but now there were more obvious symptoms so you knew you had to check.

You were still looking down at the test when you heard someone knocking on the door. You put the test in your back pocket and walked to the door. You opened the door to see Jinxx standing there with all the bags that he brought on tour.

He put down his bags and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you too."

He put you down and closed the door before sitting on the couch. You sat down beside him and watched as he searched through some of his bags.

"I have a surprise for you," he said as he pulled something in a bag out of one of his bags.

"Oh, I have surprise for you too."

He looked at you and smiled. "You wanna show me yours first?"

"OK," you said nervously as you took the pregnancy test out of your back pocket and gave it to him. He looked down at the test and you watched as he looked at it, a smile slowly spreading across his face.

He hugged you, spinning you around in his arms as tears welled in his eyes.

You smiled happily, but couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Jinxx noticed your nervousness and asked "You ok? Aren't you happy?"

"Yeah, of course. Just a little nervous. I mean, we're not even married yet."

"I know, but we'll be fine."

"How do you know?"

"Trust me, I just know," he said, smiling knowingly. "You ready for your present?"

You were a little calmed by his reassuring smile. "Yeah."

He bent down on one knee.

"Jinxx, what are you-"

He took out the object from earlier and you saw that it was a ring.

"Will you marry me?"

You looked at him and the ring. "Yes."

He got up and you tackled him in a hug and felt his arms wrap around you before he slid the ring on your finger.

He kissed you softly. "See, I told you we'll be fine," he said, causing a smile to appear on your face.

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