Kellin Quinn | He Leaves to Go on Tour

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A/N: This was based on the song Miles Away by Memphis May Fire Ft Kellin Quinn and I used some lyrics from the song in the writing. The song's about Matty Mullins hating having to leave his wife to go on tour and how she needs him, but he knows his band needs him too.

You sighed as you sat on the bed, watching your boyfriend, Kellin, packing a suitcase to go on tour.

He went on tour every few months and you hated it, but you didn't say anything to Kellin about it, not wanting him to feel worse about leaving you.

He zipped up his suitcase and you followed him to the door.

"I'll miss you," you said quietly.

He looked at me, a sad look in his eyes. "I'll miss you too. I'm sorry for leaving you all the time. I miss not seeing you in the morning and not getting be there to actually talk to you, because just a phone call isn't enough.

"I'll be fine," you reassured him, as you had done many times before, knowing you would be just the opposite of fine.

"If you miss me, I'm just a phone call away. I'll miss you. I love you."

"I'll miss you too. I love you too."

You heard a honk come from outside. It was probably the guys telling him to hurry up.

"You'd better go now, the guys are calling you."

He kissed you and went out to the tour bus.

After the bus drove away, you went into the house and felt tears trickle down your face. Another three months of not seeing your boyfriend. You took your phone out of your pocket and saw Kellin's name on the screen. You smiled and accepted the call, putting the phone to your ear and wiping your tears.

You could hear the guys in the background. "I miss you already," you heard him say through the phone.

You smiled and tried to make it not sound like you had just been crying. "I miss you already too."

He knew you had been crying though. "I'll be home soon, y/n. Don't worry."

You could hear the guilt and sadness in his voice and it made you feel worse.

His voice came onto the phone again. "I have to go, but I'll call you later tonight. Please be strong, be strong for me. I love you."

"I'll try. I love you too." You ended the call and put on one of Kellin's sweaters. You got some ice cream and watched Netflix until it was dark outside.

You had fallen asleep, when your phone's ring tone woke you up. You tiredly picked up your phone and smiled when you saw Kellin's name on the screen. You accepted the call.

"Kellin?" You asked tiredly.

"Sorry for calling so late, I just said I would call earlier on. Good night, sweetheart. I'll call you in the morning .I love you."

You smiled. "I love you too. Talk to you in the morning." You ended the call, lay back down and went back to sleep.

Kellin's POV

The call ended and I put down my phone to go to sleep. Y/n probably was sleeping since she sounded tired and went back to sleep after I hung up. It made me feel bad inside that I went on tour and left her behind for three months and then returned to see her for only a month. I turned out the lights and went to sleep so I could call her and get to hear her voice again in the morning.

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