Part Two: Disarray in the Sereitei

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It's late in the afternoon and sitting at his desk, Keishin has one hand supporting his head as he fills out paperwork in the quiet confines of his office. Chikane had her own errands to run for the day so he finally had some peace. In all honesty he hoped she'd remain out of the barracks, but knowing her she'd show up just as he was about to finally relax.

"Excuse me Captain, sir." Someone lightly knocked on his door. "I have a message from Squad One."

Keishin put down his pen. "A message? from Grandfather?" He frowns lightly. "Very well then come in."

"Sir." The door slides open to reveal the messenger. "Head Captain Yamamoto request you come to the squad one barracks immediately."

He sighs, glancing at the never-ending pile of paperwork. "I just can't get a break around here can I?" He gets to his feet. "Fine fine, I'll be there shortly."

"Thank you sir." The man shuts the door and his presence vanishes.

Keishin sighs again. "Why did he thank me, it's not like I really did anything." He slides his arms through the holes in his coat. "What does Grandfather even want with me, he doesn't usually call on me often anymore."

"Don't you have paperwork to be completing Captain."

"I've been summoned by the Head Captain Chikane." He opens the doors to leave the barracks. "I think you could finish it off for me, I might take a while."

She splutters. "What....? but...... ugh how did I get stuck with the only captain who's too lazy to finish his own paperwork." She scowls. "Hey are you even listening to me?"

'To be perfectly honest no.' He thinks to himself as he slips out the door and away form her rampage.

Outside the barracks the Seiretei is quiet too, only the occasional tweet of some birds can be heard. Looking around he can't even see any squad members patrolling or talking in their gathered groups. Thinking nothing of it for the moment, he continues his walk to the barrack belonging to squad one.

"Ah hello there Captain Yama, pleasant weather we're having this evening."

Keishin turns around. "Oh Captain Urahara, I didn't even sense you coming, that certainly is some control you have over your spiritual pressure."

The blonde Captain grins sheepishly. "Ehehe thanks I guess."

Keishin manages a small smile. "Right, I'm sorry but I can't stay I've been summoned to squad one's barracks."

Kisuke smiles. "Oh... what a coincidence there Captain, so have I."

The frown returns to Keishin's face. "He wants both of us? do you happen to know why?"

Kisuke's smile falls as he shrugs his shoulders, hands raised. "Nope sorry, but it must be important for more then one captain to be summoned."

An uneasy sensation settles in Keishin's bones. "Hmm I see."

"Hmmmm is something wrong?"

Keishin shakes his head. "It's nothing, we should go before the Head Captain gets angry with us."

Kisuke claps happily. "Oh you're right."

The dark haired Captain sighs, what was it that made the man so happy all the time, sure he could be serious when the situation called for it but... something about what was going on just didn't sit right with Keishin.

"Oh so you two were called in as well?"

"Captain Hiroko, what a pleasant surprise." Kisuke greets happily.

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