Part Sixteen: Aizen

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They all stare at the Hollows continuing to pour forth. Everyone had once again stopped to watch, most with fear at the sheer number of them.

"Relax." Kensei grunts punching his open palm. "Their only Gillian's after all."

Pretending to be cool Shinji tips his hat over his face. "Let's go." He throws it away, being the diva he is.

As one they all don their masks, whether this surprises the soul reapers watching they don't show it. Perhaps fighting Espada who still bore remnants of their masks numbed them to anything else. The wave of Gillian's surged forward, the Vizard's leaping to meet them head on, their zanpakuto drawn.

"Hyugggh!" Hiyori roars and with a downward swing of her sword cleaves the mask in two, wasting no time her mouth opens and she fires of a thundering red cero at another three.

As usual Kensei uses his fists to obliterate the mask of another, already searching for his next target.

Ignoring the two, Keishin heads for a group not far from Lisa's position. "You should leave if you know what's good for you." He tells one, his double voice echoing strangely through his mask, though it just screams at him. "Poor mindless beast."

It opens its large mouth and prepares a giant red cero. The ball grows larger each second.

Keishin merely blink at it. "So that's how you want to play it huh, a pity though." His head leans forward, a cero forming between the horn tips. "Yours will never be better than mine."

Though his cero is much smaller in size, it easily cuts through the Gillian's cero, when the glow lessons the remaining body of the Hollow fades away into ash.

The others surrounding the one just destroyed all roar, turning to face their attacker.

In a bothered state, Keishin sighs. "So you all still want to do this despite everything that just happened?" Their only response is another roar. "Well who am I to deny you your death."

Lisa flies past him, cleaving a Gillian head in a red box in two. "I would appreciate it if you didn't roll these things my way." She snaps at Hachi who would have been responsible before slicing another into ribbons.

Brushing a piece of Hollow of his coat shoulder. "And I would appreciate it if you didn't get those filth on my clothing."

She ignores him and heads for another.

"Tch." He scoffs. "Women."

He senses the presence of that dark-haired Espada who had ben arguing with his weapon arriving nearby, watching him curiously. "You're a strange one." The man comments.

Another presence, one who he wouldn't care to admit that he missed him. "Well well look who it is."

'Great it's him.' Keishin thinks before glancing through the holes in his mask. "Shunsui."

The older man pretends to be hurt. "Aw come on Lil Yama, is that how you greet an old friend?"

"Keishin? Really?" Another joins in. "So you're alive, I'm glad."

Keishin removes his mask, not that his time was up, but just because he could. "I'm not here to reunite with you two." He spies Shinji going directly after Aizen. "That idiot."

'Moron, he should've waited for someone to assist him.'

"You there, the one who bore the mask." The Espada speaks, his voice laced with complete and utter boredom. "What are you? You don't seem like an Arrancar like the rest of us."

Keishin ignores him, mostly because he doesn't feel like answering his questions. He wasn't really one to give his life story to a stranger and even worse, an enemy.

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