jump or she gets it

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I don't hope this happens in season three... because I would probably die. this is just a tiny story I thought of... don't be too mad at me and hope you enjoy

"Jump or she gets it!" Brenner yelled. El squirmed in his grasp, but she couldn't get very far without feeling the cold of the gun on her temple. Her bare feet scrapped up against the jagged rocks at the quarry's edge.

"Mike-" She winced and she felt to gun press harder into her head. She watched four suited men close in on Mike, cornering him at the edge of the steep cliff. The other boys and Max were being loaded into a white van, and there were more guards standing around it. She would hear the screams coming from inside, but she did her best to divert her full attention to Mike. 

Mike's heart was racing. He stood at the edge of the cliff. Brenner would never shoot El, and Mike knew that. Brenner would never kill his most prized possession. Mike watched as some of the earth crumbled and rolled into the quarry. He felt the tears build up, but he would not let them fall. He had been in this situation before, and Eleven saved him before. He knew what he had to do. He turned around and looked at Eleven, and gave a slight nod. Eleven looked at him with wide eyes, and the tears started to fall for her. 

Looking through blurry eyes, Eleven watched Mike go to the edge of the cliff. He turned around and stared at her. 

"Goodbye Eleven," He said. 

He knew this wasn't goodbye. 

Mike Wheeler took a step off the cliff, knowing Eleven would save him like once before. 

Eleven channeled all her energy on Mike and used all her brain power to stop him from falling,

but she couldn't. 

She was too weak, and she heard him scream before she heard the splash. 

She broke out of Brenner's grasp and ran to the edge of the quarry. Staring over the edge at Mike floating in the water, she collapsed, knowing this was all her fault. Brenner ran over to her and cupped her face in his hands. 

"Eleven, I'm going to bring you home," He said. Eleven was crying too hard, and her body was too weak, that she physically could not respond. She lay sobbing and shaking on the hard and sharp ground, 

knowing that Mike had said goodbye,

for real.

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