because of her

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"Do you hear that?" El asked, turning around, staring at the line of trees separating her and Mike from the road. 

"Hear what?" Mike asked, turning his attention away from the sunset that was painting the quarry orange. 

"The rustling," El whispered. Her hand searched the blanket on the ground until she found Mike's hand. She squeezed it tightly. 

"El, why are you so paranoid?" Mike asked, but only got a shush from El in response. She closed her eyes, searching for an answer, her mind exploring the vast emptiness she called the void. 

"El?" Mike asked. He scanned the trees and saw nothing, felt nothing. He turned back to the quarry and hoped to continue their date in peace. 

"Nobody is there, and if it is anybody I bet it's Dustin and Lucas spying on us," Mike said, not looking at El. Her eyes burst open and she scrambled to her knees, facing the trees. 

"Mike," She whispered. She sat deadly still. 

"El, what's wrong?" He asked, but was cut off when El threw her hand over his mouth. Mike could feel her palm shake against his lips, and that's when he knew that somebody actually was watching them. 

And this somebody was not good. 

El had been working hard on strengthening her powers, and she had recently learned telepathy. She stared at Mike while she slipped thoughts into his head. 

Get up slowly, and follow me. Stay close behind.

Mike nodded, and got close behind her, leaving the blanket and bucket of snacks. 

"Get behind me," He whispered into El's ear, hoping that he could protect her. She shook her head and continued to creep slowly away. 

If they come at you, fight them. If they come at me, run. Run as far away as you can and get help. 

Mikes brain felt fuzzy as El pushed these thoughts in. 

"I'm staying with you," Mike whispered. 

No. You're running. 

"El," Mike trailed off, inching as close behind her as he could. He had picked up a plastic knife from their snack basket and was clutching onto it. 

Mike, shut up or we will both die.

Mike shook his head and followed her. He was so close El could feel the heat from his staggered breath on the back on her neck. Mike could feel the way her hands shook, even if they were barely touching him. 

Something rustled in the bushes and El whipped around, throwing Mike to the ground. She held up her hands as she watched the figure emerge from the trees. 

El's hands dropped. 

"You thought you could hide forever, didn't you?" 

El shook her head, the tears welling up in her eyes. 

Go. Run. I can take him. Please. RUN.

Mike looked up at El, trying to get these thoughts out of his brain but El was persistent, making them swirl around like a snowglobe that had been shaken too much. 


"My name is NOT Eleven," El said, sending the man flying back. He hit a tree and fell to the ground. El turned around and looked at Mike, a trail of blood meeting a trail of tears on her chin. 

"Go," She whispered, turning around to watch the tall man stand up on wobbly knees. 

"Still the fighter, Eleven."

mileven season threeWhere stories live. Discover now