at the mall

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"Woah!" El screamed, running into the brightly lit store. I chased after her, pulling her out by the arm.

"Why can't I go in there, Mike?" She asked, sticking out her bottom lip. I loved it when she did that, but it made it so hard to say no.

"Because you might see your Christmas present in there," I said, sticking out my tongue and pulling her further down the mall. She had never been in the mall before, and I was excited that Hopper allowed me to be the first one to take her. 

"It's summer!" She giggled, lacing her fingers through mine. 

"I like to be early," I shrugged, giving her hand a tight squeeze. I pulled her into a store more her style and age, Gap. 

"Can I try stuff on?" She asked, grabbing almost all the shirts off the tables.

"Yes, but you can't bring everything," I said, helping her put the shirts back onto the table.

"What about this one?" She asked, holding up a blue tank top. 

"I love it, here let me hold it," I said, taking the soft shirt from her. Her eyes were bright and filled with excitement and it took every ounce of common sense not to kiss her right here. Hopper would not like that. El had come a long way, from being scared and almost mute to be able to hold actual conversations in public. I just wish I hadn't missed those 353 days with her. 

"Excuse me?" She asked. I looked up from the blue shirt in my hands and watched her ask for a dressing room. Never in a million years did I think that she was going to be able to do that on her own, and I was so proud. 

"I'll wait here, ok El?" I said, handing her the shirt then leaning up against the dressing room.

"Ok," She squeaked, closing the curtain on me. I looked around the store, not moving my feet so she wouldn't get lost. On a rack, the last thing hanging was a polka dot one piece. El loved polka dots so much, they made her feel like she was always partying. 

"Hey, El?" I asked. 


"How is the tank top?" 

"Good, I really like it!" 

"How much is it?" I asked, fumbling with the money in my hands. El told me the price and I decided the swimsuit was worth a try. Every swimsuit Hopper brought for her to wear she hated, so she hadn't been swimming with us yet. I was dying to get her in the water. 

"Wait here ok?" I said.

"Ok," El said, peeking her head out of the curtain.

I walked over and looked at the size of the lonely suit and of course, it was her size.

"Here, try this on," I said, handing it to her. El nodded and shut the curtain. After about 4 silent minutes, her hand stuck out of the room and tapped me on the shoulder. 

"Look," She whispered. I stood still.


"Look, Mike, you have to tell me if it looks ok. And if Hopper will think it's ok."

"Are you sure? Uhh..."

"Yes," El whispered, pulling my head into the dressing room. She stood with her legs crossed and her arms crossed, covering herself.

"Ok, how am I supposed to see how it looks when you're covering it?" 

"Sorry, I just-"

"Just stand normally, El."

El uncrossed her arms and legs and stood there. I stood in awe, watching her eyes look at each individual polka dot and light up a bit from excitement. 

"I love it," I said, hoping the nervousness didn't show in my voice. 

"Really?" She said, a huge smile spreading across her face.

"Yes, it looks really cute," I said. El blushed, and I couldn't help but do the same. 

"Can I get it?" She asked, twisting her foot on the ground. 

"Do you promise to come swimming with me? Please don't just sit at the edge like always!" 

"I promise!" 

"Ok, then take this off so we can buy it."

El started to take the strap off before I could get out.

"Wait, Jesus El... Ok, now you can change," I said, raising my eyebrows. Soon enough she came out, holding her blue shirt and a new swimsuit. We headed up to the counter and paid, and went out into the mall again. El had my hand in one of her hands and in the other, she swung her bag around. 

"Ok, you ready to head home?" I asked. 

"Thank you, Mike."

"For what?"

"The shirt!"

"Oh yeah, you're welcome," I said, "So are you-"

"I love you."


"I love you, Mike," El said. She stared right at our hands as she said this. 

I stopped in the middle of the mall and grabbed her other hand. 

"El, I love you too."

Hey guys, I wrote this super fast but just wanted to get something out for y'all so hope you enjoy!!!

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