ice cream short

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A/N: sorry I've been super busy so enjoy this super short story! 

"Can I get a scoop of cookie dough in a cone, please? Thanks," Mike said taking the cone from the girl and licking it.

 He glanced over at his date to the ice cream shop, who had her nose practically pressed against the glass separating her from the ice cream. She was deep in thought, deciding which ice cream she should get. 

"Mike? What's your favorite?" She asked, taking her eyes off of the ice cream and onto her boyfriend. 

"Well, I like cookie dough," Mike responded. 

"That's not helpful. What should I get?" She asked, pouting. 

"Do you like chocolate or fruity?" Mike asked. 

"Fruity," She said while chewing on her fingernail. She had never seen so much ice cream before and was growing impatient that she didn't have any. 

"Ok... I present to you... El's favorite new ice cream... Summer swirl sorbet!" Mike said, after scanning the names for a fruity ice cream. El wandered over to the glass case to take a look at the pink, green and blue swirled ice cream. 

"Sure," She said, walking over to a table, "In a cup please!" 

"Hey Robin, can I get one scoop of summer swirl sorbet, please? Thanks," Mike took the ice cream back to El, who sat waiting patiently. She snatched the cup out of his hand and began eating it. 

"Thanks!" She said through a full mouth.

"Alright El, we should start walking since I promised Hopper we would be back before sundown."

"But I don't wanna go! The sun is still up!" El said in between bites of her ice cream.

"I know, but it's a long walk back to the cabin," Mike said. 


"Come on, El," Mike said holding out his hand for her to take it. She rolled her eyes and took his hand laughing. She held her cup up to her lips and licked the ice cream.

"Ok, fine, you don't have to hold my hand so you can eat your ice cream," Mike said, letting go of her hand and licking his own ice cream. He was almost done with it, and now he got to eat the cone, which his favorite part. 

The two walked back to El's cabin, talking the entire time. Once El finished her ice cream, she found a garbage can and threw her bowl out, then found her way back to Mike's hand. She blushed as she grabbed it, and Mike smiled. He couldn't help but notice how her ponytail blew in the gentle breeze and how her scrunchie matched her new shirt. Nancy helped her pick it out. 

Once they arrived back at the cabin, the two kids entered the cabin.

"Hopper?" Mike asked. 

"Yep... In here," Hopper said, getting off the couch and shaking some crumbs off his shirt.

"Thank you for letting me take El out to ice cream," Mike said.

"Thank you for bringing her back on time. You're a good kid," Hopper said as he got back on the couch. 

El gave Mike a tight hug. 

"Thanks, Mike." She said. 

"You're welcome," Mike responded. 

"I love you," El whispered. Mike smiled.

"I love you too," Mike said and walked out the door blushing. 

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