always will be

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"Jesus, can you guys help?" Lucas said, turning back to the pair with a look of disgust on his face.

"Yeah, you guys can let go for one second," Max chimed in, her voice softer than her boyfriends. Her hands were full of various parts for their newest contraption and her freckled forehead was beaded with sweat. Mike and El exchanged sad glances and dropped their intertwined hands. 

"Can't you move this shit with your mind?" Dustin asked, bending over to try and carry the load easier. El smiled. 

"Yeah," She said, "But that doesn't mean I will." 

Mike smiled at her. He loved the confidence she had gained ever since the whole group had accepted her. He had to give the most credit to Max, she was able to talk about things the boys just couldn't. He was forever thankful for Max, even if he didn't show it all the time.

The boys rolled their eyes and continued to hike up the hill. Mike and El trailed back, their hands eventually finding their way back to each other's as they stopped at the top of the hill. 

"Here," Dustin said, dropping his pile with a loud clank on the dry grass. 

"Be careful!" Mike exclaimed, dropping El's hand. 

"If you would have helped-" Dustin started through gritted teeth but was cut off by Will. 

"Ok, stop. Let's get started shall we?" He said, rubbing the palms of his hands together. 


Will wiped his forehead and continued to screw in his last piece. El tightened a few loose ends with her mind, while her body laid staring at the sky. 

"It looks like a seahorse," She said, pointing to a cloud. Her eyes squinted as she tried to avoid the hot summer sun. Mike looked up from his part of the project at El. 

"It sure does," He said, not bothering to look at the sky. He turned his head back towards the project, his hair beginning to curl from the sweat. 

"You didn't even look," El pouted. 

"Hmmm," Mike responded, deep in concentration on his project. 

"Mike?" El asked, looking over at him under her arm. 

"Yes, princess?" He asked, poking fun at her. She hated when he called him that, but secretly she loved it. 

"Look at this one, it looks like a bear." 

"I see," Mike said, not looking up. 

El sighed and shut her eyes. 

"Done!" Dustin exclaimed after the kids had finally finished, "Let's get her standing." 

The kids worked together to push up the long contraption, poles stuck out every which way, with an array of straws and curled tubes at the top. Wires ran down the main stick of it, connecting to the tin foil on the top. Once the contraption was propped up, the kids stepped back and admired it. El raised an eyebrow. 

"You know I could have moved that with my mind?" She asked. 

"Are you shitting me?" Dustin asked, trying to stay serious. El raised her other eyebrow, and Dustin started to laugh. 

"What does this even do?" She asked, leaning up against Mike. 

A grim expression crossed Mikes face briefly as he stared up at the thing, placing his hand on El's shoulder. 

mileven season threeWhere stories live. Discover now