brain message

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Mike sat across the table from El, staring deep into her soul. 

"What are we doing again?" He asked, confused about why she was making them do this. It was bright and sunny out, a perfect day to go swimming, but El insisted on trying this. 

"Shut up," She responded. Her brows furrowed and she concentrated, her hands placed on the table now shaking slightly.


"Shut up." 

So Mike shut up. He stared at her, hoping there was a reason behind this. El closed her eyes. Mike followed her, closing his eyes as well. 


Mike opened his eyes. 

"What the hell."

"What?" El asked. Her eyes widened, "Did it work?" 

"Did what work? I don't know what you're doing?" 

El didn't respond and closed her eyes again. 

Mike. Can you hear me?

"El, how are you doing this?" Mike asked. He was getting freaked out. 

"Am I in your mind?" El asked. Mike looked concerned but nodded his head. 

"YES!" El screamed, jumping out of her chair. 

Mike! Mike! Mike! MIKE!!!

"El, how the hell are you screaming in my brain?" 

"My new skill! Isn't it awesome?" El asked, "Ok, wait here, let's try it from far away!" 

El ran up Mike's stairs and into his room. Mike looked around his empty kitchen, still very concerned. 

I'm looking through your diary!

"Hey!" Mike yelled upstairs. 

El came out of his room laughing hysterically. 

"You... You have a diary?" She laughed, doubled over, using the handrail for stability. 

"N-No..." Mike trailed off, his face turning red. El came down the stairs.

"Can you do it back to me?" She asked, holding his hands.

"El... I don't have powers, so I don't think so," Mike said, squeezing her hands back. 

"Just try. Think a thought and think it towards me."

Mike thought. He looked at El, mentally sending the thought to her brain. 

I love you.

"I love you too," El said. 

"Wait... Did it work?" Mike asked. 

"I think so!" El exclaimed. 

Let's go outside. 

And they did. 



Mike and El exchanged glances.

"What?" She asked. 

"That weird thing you do! Where you stare at each other and like communicate. It's freaking me out!" Dustin said. The group nodded in agreement. 

Throughout the first semester, this trick had come quite handy. They could communicate throughout the school, cheat on tests, and just check in on each other. They loved it. The others... Not so much. 

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