The craziness!!!

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*It's Day 2 of 365 of the cruise and Riker, Taryn, Kristy, and Rocky have planned to meet that morning to get breakfast together*

Taryn: Kristy! Get up! It's 6:30 am and we are supposed to meet Riker and Rocky at the resturant we ate at last night for breakfast in a hour we still have to get ready well you do and Riker said he has somebody he wants to introduces us to

Kristy: I hope it's not his girlfriend

Taryn: he told me his brothers, sister, and Capron are joining us on the cruise today and apparently Ross has Courtney with him

Kristy: ROURTNEY!!! okay I'll get up! *Kristy gets ready and notices Taryn dazing out* Taryn? Are you okay need to talk? You look like your spaced out or something else?

Taryn: yeah *she sits on the couch* I really like Riker as a friend he's the nicest person ever I can actually trust him but I'm actually falling in love with him. What should I do?

Kristy: you should go for it Taryn if I was in your same position with Rocky which I'm not I would totally go for it!

Taryn: *looks at her* your saying that I should tell Riker that I like him more than a friend and we should start dating?

Kristy: *nods* yes that's right

Taryn: okay

*With Riker and Rocky*

Riker: dude can I talk to you?

Rocky: *sits on the couch* sure

Riker: *sits on the chair* well I really like Taryn as a friend she's the nicest person ever I can actually trust her but I'm actually falling in love with her. What should I do?

Rocky: you should go for it Riker I mean if I was in your same position with Kristy which I'm not but I'm saying go for it

Riker: *looks at him* so your saying that should tell Taryn that I like her more than a friend and we should start dating?

Rocky: exactly

Riker: hey bro?

Rocky: yes?

Riker: thanks

Rocky: no problem

*with Courtney and Ross*

Ross: Courtney get up

Courtney: no it's too early!

Ross: I know Courtney but we have to meet the gang at 6:30 for breakfast

Courtney: it's too early

Ross: I know

Courtney: but we have to get up right?

Ross: yes we do anyways! Or else I'll tickle you

Courtney: okay! I'll get up!

*Ross and Courtney get up and ready for today*

Ross: you look adorable

Courtney: thanks Ross you look sexy

Ross: *blushes*

Courtney: I've never made you blush before

Ross: well let's go *they leave*

*with Nikki and Ryland*

RyRy: babe? Are you ready?

Nikki: yeah I'm coming out!

RyRy: wow! You look adorable

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