Leah goes Missing

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Leah: *runs off stage*

Liam: I got this

Taryn: I'm coming with you too

Liam: babe I think you need to stay here because you need to sign the papers for syco

Taryn: okay sweetie

Liam: Leah? Sweetie? *bumps into Riker* hey bro!

Riker: hey what's wrong you look like your in a panic of some kind!

Liam: have you seen Leah?

Riker: no I haven't *Cailey comes in* hey babe have you seen Leah?

Cailey: no I haven't want us to help look for her?

Liam: yeah sure thanks that would be great!

Riker: why don't you go to Taryn and plan a special night next weekend

Liam: that would be nice

Cailey: okay and don't worry we will gather up the best searching squad we have around

Liam: thanks I will tell the boys if they've seen Leah

Riker: okay

*they seperate*

Liam: *sees Harry* hey Haz? Have you seen Leah?

Harry: no I haven't seen her I thought she was with you?

Ashton: hey Harry hey Liam

Liam: have you seen Leah?

Ashton: I thought she was with you?

Liam: she's missing!

Haston: missing!

Liam: shhhh Taryn can't know about this!

Harry: dude she has to know she's your girlfriend and the mother of Leah

Ashton: hey why don't you take her off the ship for the week we are in Paris

Liam: hey that's a good idea

Harry: or Kenzie could take her shopping

Louis: what's wrong with Leah?

Liam: where is she?

Louis: she ran away

Liam: what no this can't be

Zayn: What's wrong?

Louis: Leah ran away

Perrie: what that can't happen she won the competiton it was a tie

Ross: Is everything okay?

Riker: call everyone

Taryn: *cries* Leah's missing!

Liam: *goes to comfort her* I know love but everyone wants to help so if we go to the places that she loves then we can find her

*With Leah*

Leah: *runs away to the pool and sits crying*

Kayla: hey girls look!

Hannah: Hi wanna hang with us

Leah: sure

Meghan: here put this on

Leah: *goes into the bathroom and changes then comes out* How does this look girls

Kayla: I like it this suits you

Leah: Thanks I'm Leah

Hannah: I'm Hannah and this is Meghan and Kayla we were about to go to lunch let me take your luggage

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