Jen cheating on Harry part 3 and Harry finds out!!!

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Taryn: well Maddie and Leah how did you like Mickey's Philharmagic?

Maddie: it was funny!

Leah: wet and funny!

Liam: I can tell they are going to be great friends

Jen: yeah they are

Riley: so how did you and Liam meet Taryn?

Taryn: on a cruise ship actually

Riley: really?

Liam: yeah

Taryn: but it was love at first sight!

Kayla: hey can I take Leah and Maddie?

Taryn: that would be a great idea girls thanks so much!

Jen: who are they?

Lindsey: oh sorry I'm Lindsey and that's Kayla and Meghan we found Leah and took her back to our room and redid her up so she would look like her old self again

Jen: oh it's so nice to meet you and sure I would love that!!!!


Taryn: uh

Liam: oh

Louis: he just found out?

Zayn: yeah he did


Riley: I'll be at the lobby with Leah and Maddie plus the three girls babe okay?

Jen: okay *kisses him* love you

Riley: love you too


Niall: Harry calm down!

Jen: Harry jeez he's my college friend you are just jealous aren't you?

Harry: why did you do this huh answer me *grabs her wrist tight*

Jen: ow Harry your hurting me! Let go of me now!

Harry: no your going with me!

Liam: no she's not Harry!

Harry: excuse me Liam? And who made you in charge of me sir?

Louis: um me because I'm the oldest and you can't tell us what to do and who to talk to!!!!

Harry: *grips tighter but Zayn gets her out* you let her go!!!!

Zayn: *to Jen* go to your boyfriend and daughter, Taryn and Liam will be down soon

Jen: thanks *runs down crying*

Harry: wow I thought you guys were on with me

Taryn: well at first but you've been very snotty and rude and just bitchy to us especially Jen!

Harry: *gets up in her face* what did you call me?

Taryn: a very snotty, rude and bitchy popstar

Harry: *pins her to the bed and punches her in the stomach* you don't say that to me I'm Harry Styles!

Taryn: I'm scared!

Paul: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE? *pulls Harry off of Taryn so she can go to the boys*

Louis: it's okay love were right here!

Taryn: I'm fin- *passes out*

Liam: we need to take her to the ER now!!!!!

Zayn: okay Paul can you stay here with Harry the bitch Styles while the four of us go to the hospital

Louis: my sister *goes to Harry* YOU KILLED HER HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO TARYN! *cries into Eleanor*

Niall: come on guys I'll call 911 *dials 911*

Gabby: 911 operator this is Gabby what's your emergency?

Niall: Gabby??? We need a ambulance ASAP *explains the situation*

Gabby: okay I'll get a ambulance over to where you are but is Taryn breathing?

Niall: *checks for a pulse* yeah she's still breathing thank god

Gabby: okay we are going to connect you to an emt so hang on

Emt: emt services this is Dan how may I help you?

Gabby: *explains the emergency*

Dan: um Gabby that's my daughter!!!!

Gabby: okay call your wife and we will get an ambulance over can you do that?

Dan: sure *then he calls Johannah* hello honey you might want to get on the fastest flight to Orlando with the girls?

Johannah: why?

Dan: um I got a 911 call and your not going to believe this it's our daughter Taryn she's hurt Harry got really mad and punched her in the stomach and legs and ankles several times

Johannah: we are already starting to pack okay and I'll have Lottie pick up the girls okay I love you honey

Dan: love you too see you soon!

Johannah: bye *goes upstairs to Lottie's room and knocks on the door* can I come in

Lottie: yes

Johannah: um your dad got a 911 call and Harry got really mad and punched a girl in the stomach and legs and ankles several times

Lottie: who was the girl mom?

Johannah: it's Taryn

Lottie: is she okay?

Johannah: we don't know that's why I need you to pack Fizzy's and Phoebes stuff and load it into the car so we can pick up the girls from school and take them to the airport

Lottie: okay

*after they get to the hospital after the flight*

Louis: mom! Girls!!! Dan!!

Johannah: oh my god! How is she?

Louis: we don't know but Leah I don't know where she is?

Lottie: Louis I'm going to look for her?

Louis: okay I'll bring you to the waiting room where everyone else is!

Fizzy: I'm scared mommy!

Johannah: I know sweetie I know me too

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