Louis gets Bullied

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*the next morning Louis is in the bathroom crying*

Harry: Boobear? It's me Harry can you let me in?

Louis: *while crying* are you going to bully me and call me a gay faggot?

Harry: what no I'm your boyfriend I wouldn't do that please let me in I'm very worried about you

Louis: *unlocks the door and opens it and pulls Harry inside and shuts it* I'm scared....

Harry: *comforts him* hey look at me I'm right here it's okay you'll be alright do I have to call the lads again?

Louis: please do!

Harry: Hey Zayn, Liam, Niall, and R5 plus Savannah get over here!!!!

Liam: what's wrong love?

Riker: what's wrong with Louis?

Savannah: babe calm down *sees Louis and goes to him to calm him down then he calms down* that's how you calm him down

Niall: yeah why are their posters of him saying that he's gay faggot

Louis: *cries into Harry*

Liam: wow Niall

Savannah: really Niall really when I just got him to calm down

Zayn: I think that's the problem

Ross: what should we do?

Rocky: I don't really know but we should figure it out before one of us gets bullied next

Savannah: yeah I hope our secret doesn't come out babe?

Riker: yeah I hope so too

Capron: oh yeah that you have a child

Savannah: yeah

*The bully gang hears*

Calum: well there's our next subject!

Taryn: let's go tell the girls!

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