*Lanie Marie Payne*

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(A/N: this is my 50th chapter! I am really happy that I have 2,000 people reading this story thanks so much thank you so much and now further ado here is the 50th chapter of "The Best Trip Ever"!!!!!)

Johannah: *sees Liam* oh my god Liam how are you doing?

Liam: *hugs her crying* scared I don't want her to die!

Johannah: I know me neither it's okay but at least we got her here to the hospital where they are taking great care of her okay?

Liam: *sniffs* okay I really love her and I just want to ask her to marry me can I do that? *sniffs*

Dan: you have our permission Liam you seem like a good fit for our daughter and plus when we see you with Leah that tells us you can do anything that your mind and your heart sets you too

Lottie: *comes back with Leah* I found her

Leah: daddy I'm scared!

Liam: I know sweetie me too all of us are

Doctor: family of Taryn Tomlinson?

*Johannah, Dan, Louis, Lottie, Phoebe, Fizzy, Liam, and Leah stands up*

Dan: how is she?

Doctor: well she's awake but can I take Liam to her room first she wants to see you first

Liam: sure *they go through the doors*

Doctor: did you know that she was pregnant?

Liam: what? No not really she wasn't showing any of the signs!

Doctor: it's sometimes common for people not to show the signs of pregnancy and still have a fully developed baby but your daughter is very healthy *they get to the room* if you need anything you can come find a nurse

Liam: okay thank you doctor *knocks on the door*

Taryn: hey come say hi to your new daughter

Liam: *shuts the door and comes in* she's so cute what's her name?

Taryn: Lanie Marie Payne

Liam: *sits on the bed with her* look Lanie's opening her eyes!

Lanie: *opens her eyes*

Taryn: look she has my eye color

Liam: my smile she has my smile

Taryn: she's definitely going to have your hair color

Lanie: *grasps onto Liam's finger*

Liam: she notices me!

Taryn: hi Laniebug I'm your mommy and right next to me is your daddy

*Knock on the door*

Louis: can Leah and I come in?

Liam: sure but be really quiet okay?

Leah: mommy!!!

Taryn: hi sweetie! Hey bro can you pick up Leah and put her in between us

Louis: *picks up Leah and does that* mom and dad plus our sisters are here want me to bring them back?

Taryn: yeah you can

Louis: I was really worried

Taryn: *gives Lanie to Liam then hugs Louis* I know you were but I'm fine now

Leah: who is that mommy and daddy?

Liam: that is your baby sister sweetie you are now a big sister

Leah: can I hold her?

Taryn: yeah *helps her hold Lanie*

Leah: mommy look she's smiling at me!!!

Liam: that means she knows who her big sister is *sits on the couch with Lanie and holds her* look at Leah she's asleep on the other couch by the window

Taryn: and it's snowing what a perfect way to welcome Laniebug into the world oh my god next month is Christmas which means we have to perform a duet with you for your holiday concert!

Liam: don't worry too much love

*knock on the door*

Harry: can I come in?

Taryn: yeah

Harry: I wanna apologize for the way I acted towards everyone even you Taryn. I didn't mean to send you to the hospital when I heard that happened I just broke down so yeah I'm sorry can I be forgiven?

Taryn: yeah you are forgiven hey Harry how would you like to be the godfather?

Harry: you were pregnant?

Taryn: yeah and I didn't show any of the symptoms

Harry: *tears up* I would love to *sits on the chair* can I hold her?

Taryn: sure hey Liam can you hand Harry the baby please?

Liam: sure

*Liam hands Harry Lanie*

Harry: what's her name?

Taryn: Lanie Marie Payne is her name

Harry: that's a cute name guys congrats you two did Leah see her yet *sees Leah asleep* I guess she did

Liam: I'll get the lads

Zayn: no need to Liam

Taryn: hey guys

Louis: oh my gosh she's so cute congrats you two you've done a great job

Liam: thanks

Lanie: *babbles*

Harry: hi Lanie I'm your godfather

Niall: I wanted to be the godfather

Taryn: that's okay because I heard when Perrie has her's Zayn do you know who's going to be the godfather for that baby?

Zayn: yes I do know! It's going to be Niall

Niall: really? Me!

Zayn: yeah

Lanie: *whimpers for mama*

Taryn: that's my call for me to hold her again *takes her again from Harry* hi babygirl are you hungry or you just wanted mommy yeah that's what you wanted

Louis: she's going to be a mommy's girl

Harry: like Leah is a daddy's girl

Liam: we'll see when Lanie gets older

Zayn: wait we start tour next week Monday!

Niall: are you coming Taryn?

Taryn: of course!

Liam: what about college?

Taryn: I can explain my situation to the college dean and I'm sure she can excuse me from my classes

Louis: we need to put this on twitter

Taryn: okay *gives her phone to Louis*

Louis: *sees all the hate and looks at Taryn with a glare*

Taryn: *knows that glare and mouths please don't tell him*

Louis: *mouths back okay it's our little secret* ready?

Tiam: yep

Liam: hey babygirl look at uncle Louis with the camera!

Lanie: *falls asleep*

Taryn: awe that's a cuter picture

Louis: *takes the picture*

Taryn: *takes the phone and tweets the picture*

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