Taryn leaves to go back to college

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This idea is from my good friend TeenWolfSpntvdLover so she got to pick her character and she picked Rochelle so here's the chapter!!!! Also my friend 1DShaytards had me in one of her stories so I'm returning the favor so here's your chapter Ryan!!!
Taryn: *writes a note to Liam saying dear babe I can't take all the stress so I am going back to finish my college degree I still love you and if you want to know where I am studying at ask Louis. I'm sorry but this cruise was so stressful after everyone got divorced and the arguing but I'm not breaking up with you if that's your thinking because I still love you and the kids too much to do that. So I left my scrapbook that I made you on the couch if you miss me you can look at it and tell the girls how we met. I love you
Taryn your fianceè"
she folds it up and kisses the letter so that it leaves a mark then takes Lanie with her and shuts the door with her luggage* I'm ready to go Bro

Louis: okay let's go and catch our flight to Florida oh yeah remember your best friend Ryan??

Taryn: where is she??

Ryan: BOO!

Taryn: *jumps into the air* Ryan!!!! I missed you!!!!! How's your family your still with the shaytards right?

Ryan: *shows a new pic* yeah they are doing good so are we all ready to go?

Louis: yeah as soon as Harry gets the kids ready!

Harry: sorry Alice would not get her shoes on

Alice: I don't wanna leave!!!!

Maddie: but Alice we will be living closer to Disney!!!

Alice: oh yeah

Taryn: C'mon let's go before Liam and everyone else wakes up

*They get off the boat and go straight to the airport*

Maddie: papa I have to go to the restroom!

Ryan: I'll take her because people might recognize you and tweet Liam where your location is

Taryn: true

Harry: why don't I just take her

Maddie: I want Auntie Ryan to take me papa

Louis: wow okay then go go then
*they run to the restrooms*

Taryn: I hope Liam doesn't find out
*sits down at the table*

Louis: hey sis he won't okay because you need to finish your degree up which is a lie but you just got stressed so it's a good idea to take you away from the situation for a while until it calms down

Harry: listen to your brother Taryn he knows what he's saying

Alice: when are we seeing Elsa?

Taryn: *picks Alice up and has her on her lap* how about this if its okay with your daddy and papa we can go tomorrow okay?

Alice: yeah!!!!

Ryan: guess who peed in the potty for the first time?

Louis: *picks Maddie up* oh my gosh Maddie I'm so proud of you! Guess what you earn?

Maddie: the Disney Store!!!!!
Harry: Yep!!!

*they board the plane when they hear their flight called and with Liam*

Leah: daddy? Mommy's not in bed but there's a letter for you?

Liam: *wakes up to read it and calls everyone over here to see that Louis and Harry are missing too* okay so does anyone know where my fiancée is?

Kenzie: Nope

Courtney: not at all

Briahna: not a clue

Niall: last time I saw her was yesterday

Ryland: it's not like her to disappear

Nikki: nether Louis

Cailey: or Harry

Riker: well we can't get off the ship because they will think that we are getting off off the ship

Calum: what do we do?

Zayn: let's think

Perrie: this is hard

Ross: yeah it is especially if your best friend and two of your best friends band mates are missing too

Courtney: so we need a plan

Ashton: and fast

Savannah: I got something!!!

Kristy: what is it?

Rocky: I know what she's thinking

Rydel: Taryn might of gone back because of everything that's happened that made her stressed out

Capron: so she went back to study at college

Moriah: that's what she's thinking

Kevin: so you could call her Liam?

Liam: I could do that *drives to where Taryn is and while in Florida at Taryn's new place with her and Liam's new baby*

Taryn: come on Lucas please crawl for mommy *hears a knock on the door and takes Lucas upstairs for his nap* I'm coming *opens the door to see Liam* uh oh

I'm going to do some questions and the first 5 people to get them right will get to choose their character in the stories I'm writing okay so ready
#1: what happened between Riker and Cailey?
#2: who is Louis to Taryn?
#3: what is my birthday month

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