Tiam has lunch with Railey

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Taryn: hey babe get dressed

Liam: why?

Taryn: we are having lunch with Riker and his new girlfriend

Liam: Cailey?

Taryn: I don't know what her name is but we need to drop Leah off at the kids club or do you want Leah to come along?

Liam: we will leave Leah at the kids club and then tomorrow we will have Leah meet Cailey okay?

Taryn: okay *Taryn's cell phone rings* hello?

Riker: hey Taryn how are you?

Taryn: I'm good so how's you and your girlfriend doing?

Riker: oh we're doing good thanks for asking

Taryn: So why are you calling?

Riker: well I'm calling to see if we can have lunch with you and Liam today?

Taryn: let me ask Liam first be right back *off the phone puts him on mute* hey Liam?

Liam: yeah babe?

Taryn: Riker wants to know if you and I want to have lunch with Riker and his girlfriend?

Liam: sure that's fine put him on speaker and we can figure out what time

Taryn: noon

Riker: noon is fine with me and Cailey so see you and Liam later

Liam: okay bye *hangs up*

*with Riker and Cailey*

Cailey: who were you on the phone with?

Riker: Taryn and Liam and we are meeting with them for lunch

Cailey: oh I can't wait to meet her

Riker: trust me you will love her c'mon let's get ready

Cailey: Okay

*With Tiam*

Taryn: babe? Are you ready to go?

Liam: yeah can you help me with my hair?

Taryn: sure hey there's a flashmob wanna do it with me?

Liam: okay who's leading it?

Taryn: you and I

Liam: I'm not good at dancing!

Taryn: But babe it's for charity!

Liam: I don't want to get laughed at! *slaps Taryn*

Taryn: *runs out of the room* should I go to Darren and Chris? No I shouldn't! I should go to Riker and Cailey! *Goes to Railey's room and knocks*

Riker: Taryn? What's wrong? *Brings her into the room*

Taryn: *while crying* Liam and I had our first fight!

Cailey: Aww Taryn it's okay *hugs her*

Riker: Text Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Niall tell them to come here ASAP it's an emergency

Cailey: I texted them

Harry: okay what's u- what's wrong Taryn? Where's Liam?

Riker: *explains what happened* Look at her cheek Liam slapped her

Taryn: *hugs Niall* I'm scared*

Niall: *while holding Taryn and comforting her* Liam has not slapped a person before not even his girlfriend but Taryn you need to talk to him.

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