Chapher 3

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"Hey Raven, how'd it go last night?" Tony asks me as he approaches me at my locker. I sigh and turn my head towards him and he takes a step back. "What happened?"

"Dad came upstairs." I sigh, grabbing some stuff from my locker and trying to ignore the throbbing feeling in my lip.

"But dad never comes upstairs." Tony says, putting a hand over his mouth and emphasizing his words.

"I know that Tony. Why do you think I look like this." I sigh. I pull my fingers through my hair and notice a not at the bottom. I look down and see dried blood at the tips of my blonde hair. "Crap." I mumbles

"I'm so sorry Raven. If I was home this wouldn't have happened." Tony looks rather upset, more than me.

I close my locker and shake my head. "No no this isn't your fault Tony. This would have happened no matter what. Stop blaming yourself."

"Was there anything to clean it up with at home?" Tony asks as we walk down the hall. I just simply shake my head, not wanting to talk. "You should go to the nurse then. Tell her you fell on a rock of something."

I laugh a bit and stop right before the bathrooms. "That's not the same thing Tony." I smile. "I'll see you at lunch." And I walk into the bathroom.

There was no one else in here, so I was clear for now. I placed my bag down next to the sick and leaned forward sun the mirror. This was the first time I was actually seeing how bad it looked.

My lip was swollen and cracked down the side. I had a cut on the upper right side of my cheek, and there was dried blood around it.

I took a piece of paper towel and dipped the ends in some water. Lightly, I dapped around the cut to wipe off the blood and did the same to my lip. I threw the paper towel in the garbage and grabbed my bag, heading off to class.

When I walked in I noticed Steve and Clint sitting in the back as usual. Clint was talking in Steve's ear but to be honest, didn't look like he was listening. Peter was texting on his phone from the desk that was next to mine. And Bucky was asleep at the front of class.

My desk was beside Peters and in front of Steve's. I slowly sat down and placed my bag aside. Peter then looked at me and smirked.

"Rough night? Daddy didn't hit you hard enough." Peter laughed and I just rolled my eyes.

"Oh was Raven getting some action?" Clint smirked behind me.

I turn around at him and narrow my eyes. "Yeah I was. It was pretty great to be honest. But at least he didn't get me pregnant." I smile and turn back around.

I could hear Clint mumble from behind me and I just smiled, pulling out my books.

"If you ever disrespect my friends again, I'll make sure that cut in your lip is so deep that it will never heel." Peter hissed beside me.

I ignore him, writing some stuff down on my page just as the bell rings. I look up to see Bucky turned around looking at me with a concerned look on his face. He turns back around and faces the front when the teacher walks in.


I got to the cafeteria early since I left class as soon as my test was finished. I waited as I saw everyone poor into the cafeteria. Tony came over a few minutes later and sat down in front of me.

Surviving in Avengers High (Avengers AU)Where stories live. Discover now