:( Sorry Guys

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Hey guys so I'm really sorry to say this but I won't be finishing this story. I can quickly explain the ending for you if you wish.

Tony and Steve go to the dance secretly together and hook up. So does Raven and Peter. Wanda and Vision become a public couple and everyone loves them together. Tony and Steve start sneaking around and only Bucky and Raven know. Peter and Raven aren't really a thing but they end up flirting a lot. Bucky goes and talks with Peter and then the story ends with Tony and Steve kissing in front of the school to prove they have the same rights as anyone else.

I'm so sorry I couldn't finish this, I just didn't have any motivation to finish it.

I am still writing my one other story and time to time I will update my imagines.

But yeah :/ I'm super sorry guys.

I hope you have a good day.

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