Chapter 12

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"Wait, he wants to ask Tony to the dance?" Bucky asked me in surprise during the break between fifth and sixth block.

I nod and pick up my textbook that was on the ground next to me and put it in my locker. I grab my gym clothes and stuff it in my duffle bag. "That's what he told me. We are just waiting to figure out how he's going to do it though."

Bucky nods and thinks for a minute as we start to walk down to the gym. "Damn that's actually awesome. I hope your brother says yes." Bucky smiles.

"I'm pretty sure he will. I mean, Tony hasn't told me personally but I'm pretty sure he has a thing for Steve." I smirk and start to laugh. "Anyways, I'm pretty sure Wanda's going to want to go to the dance and if Tony's going he wouldn't wanna be alone. We should both go."

"I don't know Raven, dances aren't really my thing..." Bucky trails off, thinking about it.

"It will be fun. Do be such a downer." I tease as we walk into the gym.

I walk to the girls change room and open my locker that was near the back. I quickly changed into caprees and a tank top before putting my hair in a messy bun.

I was about to walk out of the change room when I heard some sobbing coming from one of the bathroom stalls. Being the person I am, I followed the sound to the last stall.

"Hey, are you okay in there?" I ask calmly against the door.

The sobbing stops and I can hear the person shuffling a bit. "Y-yeah, I'm okay." I'm pretty sure it was Nat. "Actually, no I'm not."

"Are you going to be okay?" I ask again.

"I don't know. I'm talking to Raven, right?" They ask a little more clear this time.

"Yeah." I nod. "Do you wanna come out and talk about it?"

The person doesn't talk for a moment, but I could hear her get up and unlock the door. I was right, it was Nat. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking to you. I should just go." She whimpers and starts to walk off.

I step forward and walk in front of her. "No no, it's okay. You can talk to me. Class doesn't start for five more minutes anyways."

Nat nods and sits down on one of the benches, so I sit down beside her. "I don't know what to do anymore. My mom doesn't support me and Clint left and now I'm stuck with a baby. I don't know what to do." Nat was starting to cry harder now.

"Look, if Clint was a decent guy he would have stayed. If you ask my opinion he was probably scared to be a father. And of he won't talk to you anymore, it's his loss on the child." I say and Nat looks up at me.

"Thanks Raven, your a better person than what people have said." Nat smiles at me, and I try to ignore what she meant for now. "People say that your self centred and don't care about others unless it's your brother. But your not like that."

"Well, coming from where I come from, it's pretty hard to be self centred and careless." I chuckle. The first bell rings and I stand up, but Nat doesn't. "You not going to do gym?"

She shakes her head and wipes her eyes. "I just need to think for a bit. Thanks Raven." I smile and walk out of the change room.


Bucky dropped me off at the house after school. Tony was with T'Challa and Scott working on this project for social. Pietro was with Thor, Bruce and Vision. And I'm pretty sure Wanda was home.

"Hey Wanda, are you here?" I ask as I slip my shoes off and put them in the closet. "Wanda?" I ask again, confused on why she isn't here.

I walk upstairs slowly, looking around for signs that she might be home. I put my duffle bag and books in my room and walk down the hall to Wanda's room. I knock twice but the door opens. And when I step in, I gasp and cover my mouth.

"I KNEW IT!" I shout, breaking Wanda and Vision apart. "I knew it I knew it I knew it!"

Wanda bites her lips and looks between Vision and I, who was looking down and away. "Raven, I thought you had practice after school."

"It's seven till nine, and Steve's picking me up later..." I trail off and raise an eyebrow. "How did you get home before me?"

"Uhh, Vision um, have me a ride." Wanda says, flailing her hands and fingers around. "Is Pietro home?"

"No he's with Thor and Bruce...I thought you were with them too?" I ask, pointing my question to Vision who finally looks at me.

"No, I uh told them I had something else to do." Vision says quietly and glances at Wanda, who blushes and looks down.

I narrow my eyes at both of them and cross my arms, tapping my foot on the ground. "So...what the hell made you guys think you could date and not tell me." I smile, and they both breathe a sigh of relief.

"Well, I don't know what Pietro is going to say because he's my older brother." Wanda shrugs and glances at Vision.

"Pietro will love it! You guys shouldn't be ashamed because of age, it's only two years. Besides, if it makes you feel better, Tony finally might have you know who." I smirk and Wanda jumps with joy.

"Are You serous! That's amazing!" Wanda squeals and Vision still looks confused.

"Yeah that's why I talked to them during lunch. Actually, that's why I've been talking to them all year." I gleam.

"I'm confused, what's going on?" Vision asks and looks at Wanda.

She puts her hand up and smiles. "I'll explain to you later, but you'll love it." She says.

I start to laugh and I shake off a cold chill I just had. "Anyways, to focus back on you two. How long has this been a thing?"

Wanda bites her lip and smiles at Vision. "Just over a month..." She guiltily says.

I sigh, rolling my eyes and shaking my head. "You two are adorable. You can go back to whatever you were doing." I smile and close the door on my way out.

I walk down to my room and plop myself down on my bed. I open my phone to see some notifications from someone. I tilt my head and gulp when I see who they were from.


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