Chapter 4

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"When was the last time you were home, Raven?" Pietro asked me from the spare bedroom that Tony and I usually stay in.

I look up at Pietro and shrug my shoulders slightly. "Two weeks." I bite my lip and Pietro sighs.

"Do you want me to tell my mother that your staying for a while then?" He asks and leans against the door frame.

"I mean if it's okay." I frown, because I'll feel bad for intruding.

Pietro stands up straighter and walks over to me, sitting on the foot of the bed I was on. "Raven, we know you didn't fall. We know you were hit, and that's why your face is all bruised up." Pietro says quietly.

"Tony and I made a pack that no one will know what really happens. No one has to know. And I plan to keep it that way." I say, avoiding eye contact with Pietro.

"Okay." Pietro smiles and pas my leg before getting up. "I'll call you when dinners ready." Pietro says with his back towards me and walks out of the room.


"And when you substitute this value, you get x." I say, circling the value on my notebook and looking over at Bucky.

"But what if I don't substitute it?" He asks and looks back at me.

"Then you don't get the value." I frown. "Buck, is this making sense to you at all?" I ask.

He shrugs and rests his head on his left hand that still had a glove over it. "It's just the math that's not making sense to me. Everything else is and it is helping my grades go up too." Bucky says.

I smile and let out a slight sigh, worried that I wasn't helping his case at all. "Well that's good. I think your next step is getting help from Ms Carter because she can teach you more ways then I can. But we can still study the other subjects, is that okay?"

Bucky nods and looks at my textbooks that are beside me. "Yeah thangs Fine." He says is a lower voice. I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder and stand, ready to leave when Bucky stops me. "Wait Raven, I have a question." He says and grabs my arm.

I turn around and look at Bucky who does seem desperate. "Okay?" I say in a funny tone.

"Can you keep a secret? Like a really big one." Bucky asks and I look around first before answering.

"Yeah..." I trail off and decide to sit back down on the bench of the school table.

"Well if I tell you this, I need you to be my friend, Deal?" He asks and holds out his right hand.

Hesitantly I take it but I shake it. "Deal." Bucky looks around and holds his left hand under the table. He then slowly takes his glove off and roll up his sleeve. His arm was all metal. "Oh my god. What happened?" I whisper.

"Accident. Back when Steve and I were friends we were on a train heading somewhere for winter break and there was an accident. The trail collided with something and derailed. Where we were, the door flew off and I fell out onto the edge of the tracks and it pinned my arm under, and they couldn't save it."

I widen my eyes and cover my mouth with my hand. "I'm so sorry, that's just terrible. I'm really sorry that that happened Bucky." I say.

Bucky just shrugs and tugs his sleeve down. "It's no big deal, I actually like it a bit. But Steve is the only one who knows and after the accident, before we found out we could get the metal arm he was friends with those people. Then I finally came back to school and he just didn't talk to me ever." Bucky sighs.

"Hey don't worry about Steve and those people. It's his loss that he isn't friends with you. I mean come on you have a bionic arm, how cool is that." I say and this makes Bucky laugh.

"Yeah. Thanks Raven." He says and stands up, starting to walk away.

"Wait, Bucky!" I call after him and he stops. I quickly dash up to him and stand in front of him. "The whole part of this friend thing is that you get to sit with me at lunch. So follow." I smirk and lead him to the table with Tony and Wanda.

"Hey Raven your some already?" Tony asks as soon and he sees me approach the table. But he hasn't seen Bucky yet.

"Not exactly." I shrug and sit down. Bucky waits for a moment and then hesitantly sits down next to me. "Bucky, this is Tony and Wanda. Tony and Wanda, Bucky." I smile and start eating my lunch.

Tony and Wanda start exchanging glances before looking at me like I was crazy.

"We're friends, and this is what friends do. Eat lunch together. So it would mean a lot if we all could become friends."

Throughout lunch, Wanda, Tony and Bucky talked and talked. And like I said, we could all become friends.


After volleyball practice I had to walk back to Pietros place since his car was still getting fixed. So I gathered all my things into my duffle bag and walk there.

It wasn't crazy far from the school, about a fifteen minute walk on good days like today.

I was casually walking down one of the streets right before the neighbourhood. I don't listen to music while walking just so I could hear everything that was going on. And today I was eclectically glad because I could hear footsteps following me.

I turned around and there was no one behind me, so I faced forward again and picked up my pace, a bit worried. But right as I was passing an alleyway between two shops, I was dragged in it and pushed up against a wall.

"What the hell?" I push forward trying to wiggle out but the person has me firmly pushed against the wall, and I couldn't wiggle free.

"So now your walking home by yourself Raven, you know what can happen. Especially at a time like this." The person says and I recognize the voice immediately.

"Peter what the fuck do you want?" I shout, trying to push free once again. But it was no help.

"I want some answers Stark!" He hisses in my face. "What did Barns tell you at lunch?"

I know what he wants me to tell him but I'm not saying anything. "What do you mean? We studied and ate lunch that's it." I say like nothing happened.

"Don't bullshit me you little shit. Tell me the truth or it's going to look like your dad roughed you up a bit." Peter sad and I glance down to see him pull out a knife.

I had to lie, I knew I had to. I was good with thinking on the spot so I came up with a good answer. "He told me how his parents died."

I knew Peter believed me because he didn't hit me, but it wasn't the answer he was looking for. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, he told me that Steve left him during his greatest weakness to become friends with dough-bags that only care about their egos. So you can tell your group of idiots that then I would appreciate that." I say and Peter lets go.

I grab my bag and storm out, walking as fast as I could back to Wanda and Pietro's place. And it was just starting to rain.

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