Chapter 8

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"Tony where's my coat?" I yell, digging through the closet in the spare room at Wanda and Pietro's.

I feel something hit my back and I turn around to see Tony leaning against the door frame, with his arms crossed and my coat on the floor.

"Thanks." I smile and pick the coat up from the floor. I stuff some more thins into the duffle bag and pull my coat on. "Are Wanda and Pietro ready?"

"Yeah, Pietro has to run out early this morning to grab something though. But he said he'd be back before we all leave." Tony shrugs, looking a bit off edge today.

I don't say anything, I just throw my duffle bag over my shoulder. "Let's meet Wanda downstairs then." I suggest, and we walk down the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen.

Wanda was humming to herself, making breakfast since it was her turn. She didn't notice when Tony and I walked into the kitchen. We both smirked and stood there, waiting for her to notice us.

Finally, she turned around and jumped a bit when she saw both Tony and I standing there. "How long have you guys been standing there?" Wanda asks, placing a bunch of bowl on the table.

I shrug a bit. "Not long. We just wanted to see how long it would take you to notice us standing here." I smile and place my bag down next to the chair I sit at.

"Mhm." Wanda mumbles to herself and sits down across from me.

Tony sits down next to me and we eat our breakfast in silence, which was pretty unusual. Usually we are all talking up a storm and are almost late because we take too much time.

I hear the back door open and I see Pietro walk into a kitchen with a bright smile on his face. "Well good morning everyone." He says and sits down next to Wanda.

"What? What happened when you were gone?" Wanda asks and looks at her brother.

Pietro smiles and takes a bite of his food. "Oh nothing important. I just got a brand new truck!" He smiles and pulls out the keys from his pocket.

"Wait really? From where!" I ask.

"Vis got a new truck from his uncle so he sold his old one to me!" Pietro says, smiling like an idiot.

Wanda shifts a bit in her chair and leans down ever so slightly, keeping her face towards her bowl. I notice this and raise an eyebrow at her but she just slowly shakes her head.

"Well then, since you got a new truck are you willing to give us all a ride?" Tony smirks, pushing his chair back.

"Damn straight." Pietro says and we all jump up and run out to the truck. Except Wanda, who slowly trails behind.


"You Okay Bucky?" I ask at his locker, waiting for him to grab his books that he needs for class.

Bucky shakes his head and sighs, looking down at his locker. "I don't know." He mumbles out loud.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask calmly, trying not to upset him.

"Not right now." Bucky mumbles back and shuts his locker, walking away without me. I give him a funny look behind him and catch up.

I walk beside him, not talking about anything. We pass Tony and Wanda's lockers as they are getting ready. T'Challa and Scott were talking up a storm while walking the other way from us. Thor, Bruce, Pietro and Vision were at one of their locker, just hanging out like usual. Then we came across the usual gang with everyone in it.

Nat and Clint looked like they were together again, but there's no surprise there. Sam and James were laughing at something but when we walked by, it all went silent. Peter's eyes were following me the whole time and Steve was standing off to the side, looking rather uncomfortable.

"Bucky just ignore them." I say quietly to him as we walk a little bit faster.

"Yeah yeah." Bucky huffs Under his breath, looking more mad then upset.

I roll my eyes and we walk into class, and sit down waiting for the teacher to come in. Like usual, the gang gets in right before the bell. With my amazing luck, my desk is next to Peters in this class and Steve sits behind me. But Bucky has Clint beside him and Nat sits way behind all of us.

By lunch I was actually mentally done with people and their existence, so I took my sweet ass time going to the cafeteria.

But on the way, I passed Wanda's locker to see her lip in lip with Vision. "I don't not see that coming." I say and they both jump.

"Uh, hey Raven." Wanda says funny while plastering a fake smile on her face and waving like an idiot.

I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at both of time. "How long?" Is all I ask.

"What do you mea-"

"How long?" I cut Vision off, looking more at him and not Wanda.

"A week." He says quietly, putting his hands behind his back and shifting his weight from one foot to another.

I go from my 'im going to kill you' face to my 'YAY' face in a matter of seconds. "Well then, who else knows?"

"Just you. But I'm guessing you've been picking up hints for a while." Wanda says and shrugs while Vision glances at her.

I nod and walk a bit closer to them, since I was across the hall before. "Oh yeah. I've been catching lots of hint." I smirk. "But what will Pietro say about this?"

"He will either go super protective brother mode and beat him up, or he will be chill with it and end up loving it." Wanda says and bites her lip, which makes Vision blush a bit and look down.

"Well put me down for loving it because this is great!" I smile and swing an arm around Wanda. "Now, let's go to the cafeteria so Tony doesn't start yelling that we've died or something."

A/N: sorry for the slow updates I've been really busy cause it's festival season for band. And school sucks

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