Chapter 10

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The whole way to the hospital, I was thinking about what happened in the store with Peter. I mean, he's not a nice guy and he rude to everyone. But I think I saw his weak spot. He looked almost, sad.

"We're here." Bucky says from the front of the truck and turns around to look at us both in the back seat.

I look over at Tony, who's face was still bleeding. "You ready?" I ask him, biting my lip.

He slowly nods, and Bucky gets out to help Tony, since he was starting to get really dizzy. We helped Tony into the E.R and a nurse spotted us right away.

"You guys can go wait over there." She smiles and pointed to an empty cot. We walked over and closed the curtain, helping Tony onto the bed.

"Tony, I know this is hard but you know what's going to happen. We have to tell them the truth." I sigh and look up at Bucky. "And you know what happens when we tell the truth."

"Yeah I Know..." Tony trails off, keeping his eyes closed and keeping his head up.

A few silent minutes pass before a doctor finally came in. He took a chair and sat down at the foot of the bed.

"Good afternoon, I'm Doctor Pym and I will be your doctor for the day. What can I help you with?" Doctor Pym asks and smiles at Tony.

I glance at Bucky and take a deep breath in. "There was an accident, fight thing. And my brother really got a beating." I say and grab Tony's hand.

The doctor frowns and looks between all of us. "I'm sorry to ask but how old are you guys?"

Bucky looks down and I just look at Tony with a lump in my throat. "We are under age, I know." I say quietly. "Is it okay if you get an officer here, I kind of need to speak with one."

The doctor nods and opens the curtain slightly to yell at some nieces. He focus back in and looks at me. "Is this domestic violence?" I bite my lip and a tear flows down my cheek. I nod and keep looking at Tony. "Well, I'll take a look then before the police show up."

Doctor Pym takes the cloth tom Tony's grasp and looks at his face. He shakes his head as he pokes and prods at his cheek. Tony winces in the pain.

"His cheek bone is defiantly broken. It's going to be painful to recover." Doctor Pym says and shakes his head.

The curtain opens and a niece pokes her head in. "I'm sorry to bother you, but the police are here." She says and glances at me.

I leave and make sure Bucky stays with Tony. The nurse leads me to a separate room with two cops and a social worker. She closes the door and I take a seat.

"Miss Stark, it has come to our attention that you have requested our presents." One of the cops says and sits down across from me. I nod and bite my lip again. "Why would that be?"

The social worker nods at me, basically telling me that I must answer the question. "My friend and I picked up my brother from our house, and found his beat up from a domestic violence." I say and look down.

The cops look at each other and the one still standing nods. "So are you reporting that your brother is a victim of a domestic violence?"

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