Chapter 7

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"Who plays first, the guys or the girls?" Tony asks me from the bleachers in the gym.

I roll my eyes and point to the court. "Who's team is out there warming up right now Tony? Mine or the guys?" I say pretty loud that a few people turn to look at us.

Tony mumbles under his breath and sinks down as much as he could. Wanda and Pietro come climbing over people and take a seat next to us.

"Is Bucky coming?" Wanda asks when she sits down next to me.

"He should be." I say, looking around the gym but I don't see him. I see he gang though.

Steve was warming up with the team, and to my surprise T'Challa was playing too. I didn't know he was on the team. So I spotted Scott sitting alone at the end of the gym watching his friends game.

Nat was also no where to be found, which didn't surprise me because she was kicked off the team for getting pregnant. Clint was sitting with Peter, James and Sam, and they were yelling at a group of kids in front of them.

"What did we do to have them in our school." Wanda says and looks over at them.

Pietro, Tony and I do the same thing. "I don't know. I hope they don't stay for the girls game." Tony says.

I shrug a bit and keep looking at them. "They probably will. Usually Clint is yelling sexual comments at the girls as they practice but since Nat isn't playing who knows."

Pietro looks down at his phone and frowns, gripping onto his backpack. "I have to go do some stuff with the team. Vision offered to drive us home after since I'm still waiting for the car to get fixed." Pietro says and he stands up. "I'll see you at the end of your game Raven, good luck."

Pietro leaves and Wanda looked like she wanted to yell something back at her brother but she said nothing. I look over and see Bucky walk into the gym.

I grab my volleyball hoodie and through it over my jersey and stand up. "I'll be right back guys." I say and run off the bleachers.

I run across the gym with my hands stuffed in my front pocket to where Bucky was standing by the doors.

"You Okay Buck?" I ask when I approach him and he hug shrugs his shoulders. "Do you want to sit with Tony, Wanda and I?"

"Sure. But can we talk first?" Bucky asks in a serous way and this makes my smile fade from my face.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" I ask again.

Bucky shakes his head slightly. "Peter came up to me at the end of school. He asked what happened between you and your parents."

I make a funny face and shake my head. "Why would Peter have any business in this? What did you tell him?" I ask.

"All I said was that nothing happened and none of it was his business. But he looked really pissed after. He then threatened me that if I don't tell him the truth I'm the next day, he's telling everyone what really happened on the train that night." Bucky says and shifts uncomfortably.

"So he knows how you got the metal arm then." I roll my eyes. "Does that mean Steve told him?"

"No. Because if Steve did then the whole group would have known, and only Peter knows. So he found out some other way." Bucky frowns.

I turn around to see the group of guys laughing in the bleachers, but Peter was staring right at us.

"I fricken hate that group. The only person I can somewhat stand is Steve." I cross my arms and shake my head.

Bucky looks at Steve from the court then back at me. "Why Steve? I thought you hated him?"

"Long story that I'll talk to you about later, in private." I sigh. "Anyways the X-Men just got here so let's go sit down."


Both teams won in the end. The guys team won two matches in a row and didn't need to play a third game. But we had to play three matches, and each time a team one it was by max cap. We ended up winning the third match 20-19.

I was taking the net down in the gym with a few other team mates when Steve came up to me.

"You guys played really good. Congrats on winning." He smiled and helped me take the top of the net off since I was way shorter than him.

"I could say the same about you guys, except you had an easy competition." I smile and drop the bottom of the net on the floor. "So did you ever talk to Bucky?"

Steve's face goes red and he shakes his head. "No. I'll do it tomorrow. I just need to think on it overnight."

"Have you ever told anyone what happened that night on the train? And how he got his metal arm?" I ask again and raise an eyebrow.

Steve shakes his head but then looks down at me. "No, why? Does someone else know?"

I nod and cross my arms. "Peter found out and now he's using it against Bucky for something else."

Steve kicks the floor and I move the net away so he doesn't reck it. "Damn it! I didn't tell anyone I swear. I could barely tell you and the only reason I did was because your best friends with him."

"You have to talk to Bucky tomorrow, Okay? And then maybe I'll talk to Tony. Maybe." I sigh and through the wrapped up met in the bin.

"Fine. Thanks Raven, I'll see you tomorrow." Steve sighs and walks out of the gym with his stuff.

I quickly put the polls away and grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. I walk outside into the brisk air and meet Tony by the end of the sidewalk.

"Wheres Wanda?" I ask as I walk up to him, crossing my arms from the chilly air.

"I don't know, she said she was going to meet her brother and vision somewhere." Tony says. "I haven't been waiting that long."

Another sweep of air comes by and sends shivers up my spine. "Its cold as hell out here. They better come soon."

Like on cue, a truck pulls up with Pietro and Vision in the front seats and Wanda in the back. Tony and I climb in and sit next to Wanda.

"Wanda told me about your win. Great job." Pietro turns around and smiles from the from seat.

"Thanks." I say back, and place my bag in front of me.

I look up to see Vision looking back at Wanda in the rear view mirror, and I can't help but think that they are going to be a thing.

Luckily I was the only one who noticed it.

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