Chapter 5

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The next day everyone was pretty gloomy around the school, even the teachers. But the whole day I could feel Peters eyes burning into my back and I could feel him staring me down.

Everyone seemed to be dealing with their own little problems at the moment. I mean I'm pretty sure Nat is pregnant because she stopped coming to practice and I over heard her talking to Peter in the halls the other day.

"This is stupid. Stupid stupid stupid." I mumble to myself, stabbing my salad with my fork.

Tony and Wanda were sitting across from me and Bucky was at my right. They were all looking at me while exchanging glances.

"Are You Okay Raven?" Bucky finally asked and I looked over at him.

"My dad called the stupid school and said I haven't been home in ages and now I have to go home or I'm dealing with the police." I grumble. "But noooo he doesn't give a shit about what Tony does."

Tonys face turns a light shade of pink and he sinks down a bit. I glance up at him wanting to say sorry but I just stuff my face with food again.

"I'm going to go and pack my stuff and say I'm staying at a friends place cause it's easier for volleyball." I say, even though everyone knows I'm living with Wanda and Pietro now.

"I'm sorry Raven." Tony mumbles and keeps his head down.

"It's fine Tony." I sigh and place my fork down, resting my head on my hand.

We all just say there in silence, not eating and not speaking. I watched as Steve walked by with a smile on his face.

"Hey Tony." He grins and Tony springs his head up and catches Steve's eye. He smiles and returns his gaze to the tray of food in front of him.

Wanda smiles widely and looks behind her at Steve, then at Tony, then at my. "Oh my god." She mouths and I start grinning like an idiot.

"Tony, is there something you need to tell us?" I smirk and Tony looks at me but shamefully looks back down.

"Um, no." He mumbles so quietly that I can barely hear it.

I look over at Bucky who sees me and he narrows his eyebrows. "What?" He asks, confused probably because he wasn't listening to anything we were talking about.

"Oh nothing...." I sigh and trail off, putting my attention back in Tony. "Tony, just talk when your ready I'm not forcing you into anything. Yet."

Wanda chuckles then glances down at her watch. "I have to go guys, I'll see you after school." She smiles and picks up her tray, and leaves the cafeteria.

"I'm leaving too. I have a test." Tony says super fast and basically runs out of the cafeteria without warning.

I give a confused look as my eyes follow Tony leaving the area. I turn back to Bucky and he just laughs, eating the last bit of his food.

"So I heard you say you had to go back to your place, do you want me to come?" Bucky asks out if the blue and this makes me shift uncomfortably a bit.

"Um, I'll be fine, i-it's just my dad." I stutter, then gulp some water down because I could feel my face burning up.

Bucky frowns and comes in closer to me. "Raven, I saw the cuts and scars on your face. You still have the bruises. I see you tense up every time someone mentions home to you." Bucky says in a low voice. "Let me come, and you'll be okay."

I stare down at my tray of scraps. I bite my lip and slowly nod at Bucky. "Don't tell anyone." I whisper back at him not turning my head.

He stiffens and turns back to his tray as well. "Who knows what really happens?" He asks me.

"Tony, Pietro, Wanda. And now you. I don't want anyone finding out. Please." I beg Bucky.

"Deal." Bucky says.


I take a deep breath before turning on to the sidewalk and steps that lead to the house. Bucky followed me but stayed on the pouch as I walked in.

The door creaked slightly as I opened it and I cringed because I was scared of what would happen. I couldn't hear anyone on the house, so I slowly made my way up the broken stairs to my room.

Once I did I closed the door and moved a chair under the door nob to prevent anyone from coming in. I grabbed my spare duffle bag from my closet and my backpack from the floor.

I stuffed all my clothes and personal items in the bags, as much as I could. I was at me desk putting things in the duffle bag when I saw a picture of Tony, mom, dad and I when we were probably three or four. Before everything happened.

I sighed at the memory and placed it in my duffle bag. I grabbed a few more things and zipped the bag up. I grabbed one of my school jackets and put it on. I  put my backpack on one shoulder and my duffle bag on another. I moved the chair from the door and was about to walk out when I turned around and looked at my room.

I smiled and opened the door, walking out into the hallway. I slowly made my way down the stairs. When I made it down I turned my head to see my dad standing at the living room entrance with a bottle in his hand.

"Where the hell have you been!" My dad slur yells, and takes a step towards me.

"Anywhere But here. I've just come to grab my stuff and leave." I say, getting a boost of confidence but regretting it immediately.

My dads face goes red with anger and comes towards me. "You don't get to go anywhere missy, or I'll call the police!"

"And tell them what? That I ran away because my fathers an abusive drunk and my mother's a crack addict who hasn't left the house in ten years." I shout back at my dad, tears strolling down my face.

My dad makes a fish and it collides with my face. I could feel and hear a crack somewhere but I didn't know where.

"You watch your mouth in my house Raven!" My dad fumes and slaps me again.

Bucky could for sure hear us yelling since he was standing right outside. I placed my bags down and kicked them out of the door.

"I am leaving. I have a place to stay that's better then here." I hiss. "And why aren't you yelling at Tony, calling the school about him. He hasn't been here in a month and he packed his bags long before then."

My dad takes one final blow on my face and I loose a tooth on the top. Blood trickled down my face in different spots.

I kick my dad in the gut and punch him down and he was on the floor. I burst out of the door and grabbed my bag and started running.

"Raven! Raven!" Bucky called after me. A few houses down I stopped and placed my bags down.

Bucky came running after me and looked at me with a confused but hurt look.

"Raven, are you okay?" He asked softly.

I shake my head and turn to him. I had a black eye and I was pretty sure my right cheek was broken. Plus my mouth was pooling with blood and a tooth was gone.

"No, I'm not okay." I say and Bucky scoops me in for a long hug as I cry into his chest.

But to make matters worse, the one person who was sitting in their car across the street, watching this all was Peter Parker.

Surviving in Avengers High (Avengers AU)Where stories live. Discover now