Rosalie's Story

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Bella, mad, climbs from her car, holding her injured hand, as Edward's Volvo screeches to a stop. He gets out, moves directly for Jacob having heard his thoughts. Bella gets in his path. "Not here, Edward. Please," Bella asks.

"If you ever touch her against her will again," Edward starts.

"Don't do this."

Jacob seethes, "She's not sure what she wants."

"Don't do this," Bella tries again.

"Well, let me give you a clue," Edward angrily replies. "Wait for her to say the words."

"Fine. And she will," Jacob says.

"Jacob. Just go, okay," Bella tries.

But Jacob faces off with Edward. Behind them Charlie exits, sees the hostility between them. He heads straight for them. "Hey, hey, hey, hey- Easy guys, easy. Let's take it down a notch. Alright? What's going on?"

"I kissed Bella," Jacob says. Charlie stares at him. "And she broke her hand-" Charlie glances between Jacob and Bella now. "Punching my face." Charlie's expression turns into a glare. "Total misunderstanding."

Bella rolls her eyes. "Go home, Jake," Bella says.

She turns and runs to the door but Edward leaps forward, catching her other wrist gently. "Bella, you should get that checked out. The bruising's pretty bad." Bella looks to Charlie.

Charlie sighs. "Bella, go with Edward. You should get it looked at if it hurts. Hey!" Charlie calls after them as they head to the Volvo. "I expect her home in under an hour. Or at least a call or something." Bella nods before getting in.


Edward looks on with concern as Carlisle finishes setting Bella's hand in a splint. Rosalie, at the counter, peruses several newspapers, looking for an update. "It's just a sprain, should heal fairly quickly," Carlisle assures.

"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" Emmett teases.

She tries to resist the bait for a minute but feels it's too sweet to pass up. "I punched a werewolf in the face after he kissed me," Bella replies. "Might not have done anything but I think I got my point across.

"Bad ass. You're gonna be one tough little newborn."

Bella smirks, looking at him. "Tough enough to take you on."

Rosalie slaps down the newspaper and abruptly walks out, throwing a fierce scowl Bella's way. Bella is thrown. "Don't worry about it."

"Okay, any leads?" Edward asks.

Jasper shakes his head slightly. "No sign of the intruder. But Victoria continues to make appearances."

"She's toying with us. Keeping us distracted," Carlisle determines.

Emmett looks at him. "From Seattle?"

"Or the intruder. Or something else."

"Alice can keep tracking her decisions but we have to track her on the ground," Edward explains.


Tired of being ignored, Bella heads out to the deck. "We've already cover the entire southern peninsula down to Quinault," Jasper informs.

"We'll search the northwestern trail," Edward replies. The sun sets over the river as Rosalie looks out. Bella exits. Rosalie knows who's behind her without looking.

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