Vampires: A History

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Romeo and Juliet play in the English class as the teacher pitifully mouths the words along to the dialogue. "Arms, take your last embrace, and lips, O you, the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss," Romeo says. The room is dark as the class has mixed emotions, some students entertained, some moved, Mike trying not to fall asleep. The teacher, Mr. Berty, mouths every word. "Here's to my love! O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick."

Edward and Bella sit in the back of the room, desks pushed together, whisper-talking. "I hate being celebrated," Bella says.

"Come on, the last real birthday any of us had was Emmett's I think Bing Crosby was on top of the charts. You'll be helping us feel normal for a night," Edward convinces. Bella sits back, knowing she's trapped. He kisses her hand. "There are worse tragedies than a birthday. Look at Romeo. He's responsible for his wife's death. Who could live with that?" Edward looks at the screen. "Though I do envy him one thing."

"Juliet's alright if you like that obviously beautiful sort of thing," Bella says.

"Not the girl, the suicide," Edward replies. "Nearly impossible for my kind. But humans, a little poison, dagger to the heart. There are so many options."

"Why would you even think about that?" Bella asks, appalled.

He turns her wrist over, runs his hand over the horseshoe shaped scar on her forearm. "I considered it. Once. When James had you trapped," Edward explains. Bella hides her confusion before a memory pops up and she remembers when James bit her, the pain that flowed through her veins. "I didn't know if I'd find you in time. If I'd gotten you killed."

"It wouldn't have been your fault," Bella says.

"Either way, I had a plan."

"What plan?"

"There are- ways for us. At least one way. I would have gone to Italy, provoked the Volturi."

"The who?"

"Perhaps someone would like to recite the last few verses to make sure they were paying attention. Mr. Cullen?" Mr. Berty interrupts.

"Certainly. "If you had the strength of twenty men it would dispatch you straight."," Edward says before continuing a few more lines, making it seem like he was watching.

Mr. Berty just looks at him, then moves off, intimidated. "Eyes on the screen, people." Bella is too concerned to be amused.


Bella takes her truck home and starts to pick out some clothes for the party when she hears a knock on her door. "Hey, Bella," Alice smiles.

Smiling, Bella turns. "Hey," Bella replies. "I was just gonna get ready before heading over."

Alice nods and pulls Bella to a chair. "Esme is handling the party while I help you." Bella gets up and puts the dress on before Alice starts in on her hair.


Lights glow from inside the beautiful house. "The Volturi are a very old, very powerful family," Edward explains. They look at an 18th century oil painting, depicting Grecian figures in swirling robes writhing among pillars and balconies. In a high balcony, four calm figures look down upon the bacchanal; two black haired, one snowy white, one golden haired. "The closest thing my world has to royalty." Bella studies the painting the largest on a wall crowded with pictures. The other walls are towering bookshelves. "Francesco Solimena painted this; he often depicted the Volturi as Gods."

Bella examines the golden haired "God." "Is that Carlisle?" Bella notices.

"Yes. He lived with them for a few decades. He describes them as very refined for killers."


Their features begin to fill in, become real. they come to life in the painting, turning to leave the balcony through an archway. They head into a room with thrones. A circular white marble hall. It's centuries old, its marble cracked and weathered. The open oculus in the domed ceiling is the only source of light. The room is empty but for three large wooden chairs and half a dozen vampires in elegant 18th century attire. "The Volturi are also what you might call enforcers," Edward continues.

"Of what?" Bella inquires.

"There are a few rules of our society but only one rule is regularly enforced; to keep secret the existence of our kind." Two of the Volturi, Marcus and Caius, take their seats, Carlisle stands beside them. Aro moves to the center of the room where A rogue vampire is on his knees. He looks feral compared to the others, and terrified. Aro puts his hands on either side of the Rogue's face. Compassion? "We don't make spectacles of ourselves, or kill conspicuously, unless we want to die," Edward explains.

Aro then slowly, dispassionately, rips the rogue's head off. Two Volturi guards, Felix and Demetri, appear on either side, holding him down as Aro easily detaches the head and tosses it aside. Aro calmly sits as the others tear the Rogue limb from limb. Carlisle has to look away.


Bella spins on Edward. "Don't even talk about that. You can't let anyone hurt you. The Volturi or anyone else," Bella says.

"Who else would hurt me?" Edward asks.

"You said there were more dangerous things out there than you. And I know you have at least one enemy," Bella says. They remember Victoria, her fire-red hair, burgundy red eyes, feral, vicious grin. "You said she'd come after you for killing her mate."

"Victoria? Yes, some day. But Alice will see her coming. And she won't win," Edward assures.

Bella looks up at him, pained. "I hate that I can't protect you." He laughs, amused. She's decidedly not. "That was me being serious."

"I know. But you do protect me." He kisses her nose. "From boredom." He kisses her lips. "And loneliness. You give me a reason to stay alive, if that's what I am. But it's my job to protect you." He stops and smiles, hearing something in his mind. "From everyone but my sister."

The door bursts open and Alice dances in. "It's time it's time it's time!" Alice chants.


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