The Second Task

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"Harry, tell me again," Hermione asks.

"Come seek us where our voices sound," Harry recites, his chin on a book.

"The black lake, that's obvious," Hermione states.

"An hour long you'll have to look."

"Again obvious, though I must admit potentially problematic."

"Potentially problematic?" Harry demands. "When was the last time you held your breath under the water for an hour Hermione?"

"Look Harry, we can do this. The four of us can figure it out," Hermione insists.

"There are spells you could learn," Isabella reminds, keeping herself together for Harry's sake. "They just aren't ones that can easily be mastered. It's not for sure going to work."

Mad-Eye Moody appears in the doorway. "Hate to break up this scholar session but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office. Not you Potter, just Black and Granger," Mad-eye instructs.

Hermione looks at him. "But sir, the second task is only hours away and-"

"Exactly. Presumably Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go. Now! Longbottom!" Mad-eye calls. Neville appears from behind a bookcase. "Why don't you and Weasley help Potter put his books back."

Mad-eye walks away and Neville starts to grab books. "You know, if you're interested in plants you'd be better with Gorshok's Guide to Herbology. Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal whose growing gravity resistant trees?" Neville says, trying to make conversation.

Harry sighs. "Neville. No offense, but I really don't care about plants. Now if there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour then great."

"I don't know about a turnip but you can always use gilliweed," Neville assures.


The Weasley twins are shouting, busy taking bets. Harry is walking along with Neville, he has some green plant life in his hand. "You're sure about this Neville," Harry checks.

"Absolutely," Neville replies.

"For an hour," Harry says.

"Most likely," Neville replies.

"Most likely?"

"Well there is some debate among herbologists as to the effects of freshwater versus saltwater," Neville explains.

"You're telling me this now? You must be joking," Harry whisper shouts.

"I just wanted to help."

"Well that makes you sight better than Isabella and Hermione. Where are they anyway?' Harry ponders.

"You seem a little tense Harry," Neville notes.

"Do I?"


"Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions," Dumbledore announces. "A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own."

Cedric looks over the crowd, trying to find Isabella. He hasn't seen her since their argument. "Put that in your mouth," Mad-eye instructs.

Harry puts the gilliweed in his mouth and starts choking. "You may begin at the start of the cannon," Dumbledore says.

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