Chapter 1

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(Y/n) POV 


"(Y/n), I love you. It's always been you. Please be my girlfriend." I gasped, the words I always wanted to hear were just said by the man I loved.

"Of course, Link. I thought you'd never ask."

We kissed. It was like time slowed down. Like it was just us. The kiss was soft, warm, and extraordinary. Just like I imagined.


"(Y/n), (Y/n) wake up. Come on it's the Wing Ceremony." 

I slowly opened my eyes as I heard my sister telling me to wake up. I thought:

It was just a dream. 

I was slightly disappointed that my first kiss didn't actually happen. But I quickly forgot about it. It was the Wing Ceremony and I was the one flying the race. My Loftwing would be the one with the Bird Statuette. 

I asked, "Zelda, shouldn't you be doing something?"

She said, "Yes, waking you up. Now that your awake I have to go to the Goddess Statue. Link promised to see me, bye."

As she left I got my (f/c) tunic on. Then my black pants and brown boots. I pulled my (h/l) (h/c) hair back. Then I heard a knocking at my door. 

I said, "It's open."

My father said, "Morning. Are you excited for today? I hope you're ready."

"Don't worry I am, I was planning on leaving so..."

"I'm blocking you aren't I? Sorry. Good luck out there."

~~Goddess Statue~~

I was walking by when I saw Link with Zelda. I decided I would listen to their conversation. That was a bad idea. 

Link said, "Zelda, lately I've realized that I love you."

I felt a tear escape from my eye. The man I loved didn't return my feelings. He loved my sister. Instead of leaving like a sane person I stayed there. I wanted to hear what my sister said.

She said, "I feel the same way."

Then Link gave Zelda a kiss that I wanted more than anything. I was like being stabbed with a knife. My heart felt like it shattered. I just wanted to curl up and die right there.

"Zelda, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, Link. I thought you'd never ask."

I ran to the nearest diving platform and jumped off. I could not contain my tears. I whistled for my Loftwing. He caught me and as I was flying I wiped away my tears. I flew to where the Wing Ceremony was about to take place.

~~Right Before the Wing Ceremony~~

"Ready to fly then imminently get caught by me?" a certain red-haired male with a pompadour asked.

I laughed, "In your dreams, Groose." 

Groose may have been a bully and have a thing for my sister but Groose and I got along. He was one of the only people I considered my best friend. Other an Link of course. But right now I felt so empty, I didn't really didn't think of Link as my best friend at the moment.

Then Instructor Horwell said, "We are postponing the Wing Ceremony because Link can't find his Loftwing."

I pulled Groose aside. 

"Groose, what did you do?"

"I wanted to win and I couldn't let Link win. I took his Loftwing and hid it behind the Waterfall. You aren't gonna tell him, right?"

"I have to tell him. If I don't the Wing Ceremony will never start. But when I do I won't say your name. But just so you know they'll all know you did it."

"As long as you don't say my name I'm happy."

I ran to find Link then I found him.

I said, "Link, I'm so glad I found you. I know where your Loftwing is."

"Does Groose have to do with this."

I lied through my teeth, "No, I just flew by the Waterfall and saw your Loftwing. I'll fly you to your Loftwing."

We jumped off the diving platform together holding hands. Then I called my Loftwing. Link was behind me and his hands were on mine as I flew my Loftwing to the Waterfall. I could feel myself blush and tear up again. But I blinked them away. Once Link's Loftwing was in sight Link ran and freed him. Once his Loftwing was free, we flew back to the Ceremony together. I thought:

Link why do you make me feel like this? I shouldn't love you anymore, but I still do.

~~Wing Ceremony~~ 

My Loftwing already took off and I saw the contestants take off. Groose was in front and I snuck a smirk at him.

I told my Loftwing, "Time to show them what you got."

My Loftwing dived down to the cloud barrier. Which Cawlin, Groose, and Stritch followed. But Link did not he, stayed where he was. Then my Loftwing busted up to the sky. Link was right there almost grabbing the Bird Statuette. His fingers rubbed against the statuette. It was a close one. Then my Loftwing started making turns randomly. I almost fell off a few times. Then Groose got right on our tails so my Loftwing was forced to dive down again. This time Link cut us off and grabbed the Bird Statuette. He started to fly back to Skyloft.

Groose and his gang got close to me. 

"Good flying guys."

"Thanks (Y/n)."

~~After the Ceremony~~

I was walking back to my dorm when I was stopped by Link.

He asked, "Zelda and I are going to fly, want to come with us?"

I knew I had to say no. But I told him yes. I bit my tongue after saying that.  But never the less I went with them.

~~The Sky~~

"(Y/n) there's something Zelda and I want to say to you. We are dating."

I felt my heart break again. But this time 10 times more painful.

I said, "Congrats, you two. I'm so happy for you."

I thought:

Why must I endure this torture? Why did the Goddess do this to me? What did I do to deserve this heart shattering pain? 

Then we saw a black tornado. It was pulling Zelda into it. Without thinking, I made my bird fly to her. I grabbed her hands and pulled her away. Then I made my Loftwing trade spots with hers. Once her face was facing the tornado I let go. She flew from the tornado. Then I felt a sharp pain in my back. It was the tornado. Then I started blacking out. The last thing I saw was Link flying towards me while Zelda's Loftwing caught her. 

I then gave in and blacked out. 

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