Chapter 7

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Link POV 

I just hit the Goddess Cube like Metal structure in the Sealed Temple. Then the Triforce and Hylia's symbol appeared. Then the whole structure broke apart while turning purple. Then all the pieces came together and turned into The Gate of Time I saw a while ago. I touched it then it opened. I saw gears spinning, it reminded me of the Time Shift Stones. Then I ran inside.

When I came out I saw Impa standing there.

She said, "...At last. I've been expecting you, Link. You are doubtless overwhelmed, so I will explain things as simply as I can. This is the Temple of Hylia and Delphi, though it will come to be known as the Sealed Temple sometime in the future. You stand in the past, ages before your own time. Here the goddesses, Hylia and Delphi, has only just sealed away Demise... And little time has passed since the goddesses sent the outcropping of rock into the sky that would one day become Skyloft. It is true to its name. You have passed through the Gate of Time to an era in the distant past. You will have many questions. But for now, you must proceed back through the great doors behind you."

I walked over to the large doors and opened them. As I entered the room I saw light shining down on (Y/n). The light was gracefully dancing in (Y/n)'s (h/l) (h/c) hair. Then she turned around and faced me. 

She spoke, "You've come so far, Link... I'm glad you made it."

I wanted to talk to her about my feelings for her but I knew better than to interrupt her. I could see it in her eyes, she had to tell me something.

"I imagine Impa filled you in on everything. We've traveled very far from home... to the distant past. In this era, the wounds inflicted on the land during the battle between the goddesses and the demon king known as Demise have not yet healed. All the fairy tales about that war we heard growing up in Skyloft... Incredible as it may seem, they appear to be all too real. I think it's time you learned the whole story. Let me try to explain... The old gods created a supreme power that gave anyone who possessed it the ability to shape reality and fulfill any desire. They call it the Triforce. In his thirst to make the world his own, Demise readied a massive army of monsters for war. He sought to take the Triforce for himself by force. The goddesses feared for their people. They used their powers to send both them and the Triforce into the sky on a slice of earth they cut away from the land. This floating rock became the new home of our people. In time, it came to be known as Skyloft. After a long and fierce battle, the goddesses succeeded in sealing away Demise. However, soon after the demon king was imprisoned, it became clear that the seal would not hold long against his fearsome power. Delphi and Hylia suffered grave injuries in their battle with the demon king. They knew that if he broke free again, there would be no stopping him. And if the demon king were to free himself, it would mean the end of the world for all beings of this land. In order to put an end to the demon king, the goddesses devised two separate plans and set them both into motion."

(Y/n) started to walk near me. 

"First, they created Fi. They made the spirit that resides in your sword to serve a single purpose: to assist her chosen hero on his mission. Their second plan... was to abandon their divine form and transfer their souls to the bodies of mortals... They made this sacrifice, as you have likely guessed, so that the supreme power created by the old gods could one day be used. For while the supreme power of the Triforce was created by gods, all of its power can never be wielded by one. Knowing this power was their last and only hope, the goddesses gave up their divine powers and their immortal forms. You've probably figured it out by now, haven't you, Link? You are the chosen hero, and I, (Y/n)... I am the goddess Delphi reborn as a mortal. And Zelda is Hylia reborn as a mortal. The day of ceremony, Ghirahim's tornado tossed me out of the sky and down to the world below. I was captured by Ghirahim and was forced to find my destiny. By bathing in the Skyview Spring my powers were unlocked. And praying at the Goddess Statues I uncovered my memories. Once I knew everything Impa, you, Zelda came to my rescue. We went to the past and unlocked more memories and information. I know exactly what I must do now."

She moved even closer to me. I felt my heart pounding. 

"All of this is part of the same great effort to prevent the revival of Demise. Stripped of his true physical form by the seal that binds him, he takes the shape of an abomination. But even in his hideous state, he's more than capable of devouring this land if we allow him to do what he desires. We must stop him from freeing himself from the seal that imprisons him. At any cost... That is why I intend to remain here in this time and place... To sustain the seal as best as I can."

I tried to object, but when I opened my mouth to say something nothing cam out. 

She continued, "As long as I continue this vigil, we may be able to prevent the demon king from fully reviving himself in our own time. I must maintain the seal that Delphi-- rather, that I-- created so long ago and keep it strong for as long as I am able."

She signed them tried to avoid my eyes.

"Zelda will go back with you. Because Ghirahim is not after her. I, Delphi, defeated and sealed Demise with her help. But to revive Demise, Ghirahim must use me. I hope you and Zelda will be happy together."

I finally found my voice, "But-"

She cut me off, "With the memories of my former life returning to me, I can see now that this is my purpose."

Then she looked me in my eyes. I looked into her beautiful (e/c) eyes.

"Link, the goddesses created Fi and the great blade she's a part of for very specific reasons. For the task of standing against Demise in the monstrous form he now assumes rests solely on your shoulders. Back in our own time, you've already driven him back into his prison twice now. I can't thank you enough for that, Link. During your long journey, you've grown so much. You learned wisdom from solving devious puzzles and traps. You gained power by honing and tempering both yourself and your sword. And by overcoming the trials set before you by the goddesses, you've found true courage. Now that those qualities reside in you, you are worthy of wielding the power the old gods left behind for our kind. You can claim the Triforce."

(Y/n) held her hand out for me. I put my hand in hers and kneeled down. I could feel her tremble. 

"Valiant hero, you have endured many hardships and journeyed far in your quest to reach this place. Along your travels you have found wisdom, power, and courage, and for this I shall bless your sword with the goddesses' power. May it give you and your sword the strength to drive back the abomination that threatens this land!"

The triforce on the back of my hand started to shine.

"The mark you see upon the back of your hand is proof that you are the hero of legend and that within you dwells sacred power. It is the mark of the Triforce. Stand now, Link. Draw your sword."

I did as (Y/n) said. Once I held my sword skywards it's hilt became bigger and it became brighter. (Y/n) then turned away from me and walked back to her pedestal.

"The mark of the Triforce on your hand is a symbol of the greatest power in this world. If you can obtain the actual Triforce, we will have the power to vanquish Demise once and for all. The problem is, among countless souls in the world, only a select few-- those with an unbreakable spirit-- can wield its might."

She stood in the light she stood in earlier.

"To ensure that the seal holds, I will remain here in this time... deep in sleep for thousands of years."

She turned to face me. Wearing guilt all over. I gasped, I had to stop her.

"But until my memories of things before our lifetime returned to me, I had no idea we were fated to carry such a heavy destiny. Before all this, I was happy just spending my days with you and Groose in Skyloft. I wanted that feeling to last forever."

I started to run towards her. Then a beam of light shined down on her. I felt a cold breeze in the air. Her hair was flying in the wind, flying up. An aura of (f/c) started to surround her. I got closer but then she put out her hand. And I was knocked back away from her. 

"I'm sorry, Link. But this is the price I must pay for peace. Link, just remember this. I always loved you and I always will."

A tear fell down her face. Then a flash of light and (Y/n) was in a (f/c) crystal. I pounded on it and I started to cry. 

I said, "I'll get the Triforce so I can see you again, I promise. (Y/n), I love you."

The Chosen Hero's Goddess (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now