Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV 

Link, clad in a green tunic, and Zelda ,clad in a pink tunic, stood in the Sealed Temple. The Old Lady told them to wait. They were forced to wait at the temple and wait for whatever was coming for them. 

At this time, Link realized how much he cared for (Y/n). (Y/n) was such a big part of his life. He missed her so much and would do anything to see her smile again. 

Zelda asked, "Do you think we'll ever see (Y/n) again?"

"Of course, I do," Link said, "We'll bring her home. Plus you heard Fi. (Y/n) is still alive."

"But what about that "Great Destiny" Fi mentioned. Apparently we are all involved with this."

"We'll figure it out."

The Old Lady said, "You two may leave now."

They quickly left. Along the way they met someone. The person they met had a long strand of hair hanging. Also there was a tattoo like marking on her face.

She said, "I am Impa of the Sheikah Tribe, I am here to assist you. Zelda you must come with me and you will meet your destiny. Link you will keep going on your journey."

FI appeared out of Link sword and said, "She speaks the truth." 

Link let Zelda leave but before they left he asked, "Impa, do you know what happened to (Y/n)?"

"The Spirit Maiden, (Y/n), fell into the hands of the enemy. The enemy should be taking her to the Skyview Temple. That is where I am taking Zelda. And that is where you must go as well. Good luck."

~~Skyview Temple~~

Ghirahim appeared by the Spring with (Y/n) in his arms. He let go of her. 

"Do what I told you to. I'll be out there." as he pointed to the doors leading to another room."

(Y/n) sat down by the Goddess Statue. Then as soon as she closed her eyes she saw a vision. 


"Delphi, are you sure you want to do this?" a blonde haired lady said. 

"Yes sister, we are in this together and we were chosen to protect the Triforce. The 3 Golden Goddesses chose us. I am not going down without a fight." Delphi said. 

She then summoned a blade to herself. She called it the Goddess Sword. 

"I'm ready Hylia

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"I'm ready Hylia. Do you have the Master Sword?"


"Then let's take the Demon King down."

They put the swords together and readied themselves for a fierce battle. Then they hugged each other for possibly the last time.

~~Vision Over~~

"Now it's time to bathe."

As soon as (Y/n)'s body touched the Sacred Water she felt as light as a feather. She felt a warm light go through her body. And the pain from the electrocution was all gone. She felt all her worries melt away. The warmth she felt was unlike any other. Except for one. The warmth she felt from the Spring had the same great feeling that Link gave her when he was around.

(Y/n) then was out of her trance. She remembered what Ghirahim told her. She ran to the doors. As she opened them she saw Ghirahim fighting Link, Zelda, and a strange woman.

Link yelled, "(Y/n)!!!"

Link ran to (Y/n) but then Ghirahim teleported to (Y/n). Ghirahim was behind (Y/n). He grabbed her wrist tightly and put his rapier to her neck. She leaned back trying to keep the sword away from her neck. 

"Come any closer and she dies."

Link stopped moving closer and he had fear in his eyes. He didn't know if he'd ever see (Y/n) again. 

Ghirahim started to walk backwards bringing (Y/n) with him. Then he moved his rapier closer to (Y/n)'s throat. Some of her crimson blood started to get on his blade. Link fought the urge to throw his sword at Ghirahim. Link saw (Y/n) close her eyes and wince in pain. She opened her eyes and looked into Link's blue eyes.

She said, "Link, this is probably the last time I will ever see you. So I want you to know something. I love you."

Link was shocked by this statement. He was always sure about his feelings for (Y/n), he just saw her as a friend. But this made him question it himself. 

Ghirahim taunted, "I'd hate to ruin your precious moment, but (Y/n) and I have somewhere to be. "

He snapped his fingers and black mist erupted into the room. 

(Y/n) yelled, "Don't breathe it in!!!" then she held her breath.

"You can't hold your breath forever. Don't make this harder than it needs to be."

Then Ghirahim snapped his fingers and (Y/n) felt a piercing searing pain from her ear cuff. She tried to resist the pain. But the more she resisted the pain the worst it got. Then the pain made her pant. She accidentally breathed in and started to cough. When the mist cleared Ghirahim stood there holding the unconscious (Y/n) in his arms, bridal style. Link charged at Ghirahim but he teleported away.

The last thing he said before he left was:

"Don't worry, I'll take care of (Y/n)."

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