Chapter 6

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3rd Person POV 

Ghirahim and (Y/n) were in the Lanayru Temple. 

He said, "You will open the Gate of Time and inside you will know what to do."

He walked her to the Gate of Time. It was purple and it was moving. On it where symbols from the regions. Along with the Triforce that (Y/n) had seen in her visions. She slowly moved her hand towards it. Once her hand made contact with it, its inside opened to reveal blue gears moving along a path. She walked through it. 

When she made through it she was met with a Temple like structure. Remembering what she had to do she prayed to the goddess. 


Delphi said, "The plan is almost done. Now we will combine our swords and they will become one."

Delphi and Hylia held up their sword together and they became one. But when they became one their swords kept the appearance of Delphi's sword. 

"The hero will use this sword. And will use the Sacred Flames to bring the Goddess Sword to its full potential, the Master Sword."

Hylia asked, "Are you ready for the next plan?"

"Yes. When we meet again we will be in our mortal bodies."

Hylia and Delphi were suffering from fatal injuries the Demon King gave them. And they knew if he broke free from the seal that binds him there would be not stopping him. So they decided to shed their divinity together.

~~Vison Over~~

(Y/n) gasped as the vision ended. She had the realization:

(Y/n) was Delphi reborn as a mortal. And her sister ,Zelda, was Hylia reborn as a mortal.

(Y/n)'s POV 

As I walked out of the Gate of Time I looked for Ghirahim. But he was nowhere to be seen. I looked around backing backwards. Then I bumped into something. 

I heard someone whisper, "Trying to leave without me?"

I immediately turned around to see Ghirahim licking him lips. He gripped my wrists. Then pulled me closer to him.  

I said, "I know the truth."

"Good, so you know why you are of use to me?"

"Yes, now let go of me."

"I don't think so Your Majesty." 

Then I heard a slashing sound. Impa, Zelda, and Link stood in front of me. While Ghirahim jumped back. 

Impa said, "Your Grace let's go." 

I was hesitant at first. But Zelda reassured me. As I ran with her to the Gate of Time I saw Ghirahim charge at Link. Link blocked him and Ghirahim disappeared. Link came near us then out of the corner of my eye I saw Ghirahim appear. He threw his rapier at Link, whose back was turned. I watched as the sword came closer and closer to Link. I would see Link die. 

Without thinking I ran to Link. I went right in front of him. I closed my eyes. Expecting to feel the impact of the blade. But instead I saw I caught the sword with my 2 fingers. Amazed I threw the rapier in a pit. 

As I ran back to the Gate of Time I saw Link keeping Ghirahim from us. Zelda went through the Gate of Time first. Impa summoned a magical ball to her hand. I knew what she was about to do:

She was going destroy the Gate of Time. 

Before I went through the Gate of Time I said to Link, "We'll see each other again, I promise." 

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