Chapter 4

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Link's POV 

I could not stop thinking about (Y/n) and what I just endured. I thought:

When Impa, Zelda, and I made it to the end of Skyview Temple we were met with someone. He introduced himself as Ghirahim. He was an egotistical demon with a very long tongue. He wore a red cape and with white clothes with diamonds holes in them. His clothes where very tight on his body. I can't help but feel enraged when I saw him. 

He said, "Ahh, the spirit maiden, (Y/n) is it? Yes, I have her. That little goddess is outside of the door. To be honest, she is pretty for a mere mortal. Almost as gorgeous as I, not quite there. But I need her to help me revive my master. While she's busy I guess I could have some fun here."

Without thinking I charged at him, kicked him in the stomach and stabbed him. I hit him but he was far from defeat. Then I saw Impa fight him with magic. There were explosions everywhere. Then he made flying draggers then aimed them for us. Impa protected Zelda while I deflected them back at him. It went on for a while then he made his rapier appear. Then the doors Ghirahim was blocking opened. 

(Y/n) opened the doors. She looked stunning. She wore a black and gold toga. With a golden ear cuff in her ear with (f/c) jewels. My heart was leaping from my chest as I ran to her. She ran to me as well. 

I screamed, "(Y/n)!!!!!" 

I let my excitement cloud my vision, I didn't see Ghirahim teleporting to her. He teleported right behind her and grabbed her wrist, tightly. Then he put his rapier up to her neck. She tried to use her other hand it push the sword away from her. She also tried leaning back.

He threatened, "Come any closer and she dies." 

I stopped moving closer and mind was full of worry and fear. I might never see her again.

Ghirahim started to back away from us bringing (Y/n) with him. Then he moved his rapier closer to her neck. I saw a little bit of her crimson blood trickle down her neck and onto Ghirahim's blade. I fought back the urge to throw my sword at Ghirahim. But I didn't because it may hit (Y/n) and if it didn't Ghirahim would still kill her. (Y/n) then winced in pain. When she opened her yes again, her (e/c) ones met with my blue ones. 

She said, "Link, this is probably the last time I will ever see you. So I want you to know something. I love you."

I was shocked. I always thought of her as a friend, nothing more. But I was really starting to doubt it lately.

Ghirahim taunted, "I'd hate to ruin your precious moment, but (Y/n) and I have somewhere to be."

He snapped his  fingers and a black mist started to surround all of us.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and she yelled, "Don't breath it in!!!!"

Everyone held our breath. I could take my eyes off of (Y/n).

"You can't hold your breath forever. Don't make this harder than it needs to be."

The rapier Ghirahim was holding disappeared and grabbed her other wrist. I did not like the fact he was holding onto her. Then Ghirahim's long tongue came out of his mouth. He licked her cheek. She flinched and tried to get away from him. But he held her tightly. I felt my anger boil inside me and I started to move closer to them. But (Y/n) looked me directly in the eyes and shook her head. Then Ghirahim snapped him fingers. The ear cuff in her ear turned black and (Y/n) screamed in agony. It looked like her ear cuff was a torture device.

Then I saw her accidently breath in. She started to cough in a very harsh manner. Then before I knew it the mist cleared and Ghirahim was holding (Y/n)'s unconscious body in his arms, bridal style. 

"Don't worry, I'll take care of (Y/n)."

Then I was snapped out of my thoughts by a certain blue sword spirit.

Fi asked, "Master, are you alright? I can feel there is a seed of doubt in your mind. Can I help you with anything?"

I said, "I'm just so worried about (Y/n). And I don't know how I feel about her anymore. It's all so confusing."

"I can scan you if you want."

I quickly nodded. 

"Originally, the feeling known as love, was stronger with Zelda than (Y/n). You loved Zelda 100% no doubt. While you loved (Y/n) 0%, your relationship with her was strictly platonic. But now your feelings for Zelda have decreased, to a 50%. While your feelings for (Y/n) have increased, to 50%, and they are still increasing. I hope I was of help."

I muttered, "Not really."

Then I saw Zelda come in. She had a sad expression on her face. She hugged me and there was an awkward silence.

I broke it, "How much of that did you hear?"

She replied, "All of it."


"Shh... Link I think we should break up. We just aren't working anymore. I hope we can still be friends."

"But Zelda, I thought you loved me."

"Link, I love you enough to let go. I love you enough to let you figure things out for yourself. Bye, Impa and I need to go to the Eldin Province. (Y/n) should be going there too."

She winked at me. With (Y/n) on my mind I went to the Eldin Province ready for whatever challenges comes my way.

The Chosen Hero's Goddess (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now