Chapter 10

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Link's POV 

I watched Groose go to Zelda while the Old Lady gave me a fairy. I immediately was healed. I rushed over to Zelda. Groose turned around and I saw tears flowing down his face. 

The Old Lady said, "Link... I'm so sorry. She just lost too much blood."

Tears then ran down my cheeks. 

"Link go save (Y/n). It's what Zelda would of wanted."

I ran into the Gate of Time. Then I made it outside of the Sealed Temple. When I got outside I heard someone snap. Golden stakes were impaled into the ground and made a force field around the seal at the bottom of the credence. I approached it and looked down at the seal. There I saw (Y/n)'s unconscious body just laying there. And Ghirahim doing a dance-like ritual around her. Then (f/c) aura erupted from (Y/n)'s body. Then all of it returned to (Y/n)'s body. Once that happened (Y/n) was lifted into the air and she started to moan and groan in pain. Ghirahim kept moving his arms around her. 

He ordered, "Hear me, my hordes! The spell is nearly complete! The demon king returns! Until then, you WILL keep that whelp from interfering with my ritual."

 Hordes of bokoblins appeared before me. 

"I don't care if the whole lot of you get lodged on the end of his blade. You will buy me the time I need! Do not fear him... Fear my wrath if you fail me!"

The bokoblins poured from all over the credence just trying to overwhelm me. I managed to kill them all. Because of the adrenaline and my determination to save (Y/n).

I approached Ghirahim and (Y/n).

"You're far too quick, boy! I realize a simple child like you knows nothing of magic, but spells like this take time and a steady hand! Can't you wait quietly like a good boy? HMM?"

Ghirahim was extremely frustrated. 

"You petulant brat... You've pushed me too far. I've waited my whole existence for this! This is my moment! You know what? Fine! If you're so intent on hurrying to your grave, I'll be happy to show you the way!"

He angrily motioned his entire arm upwards. Which flung (Y/n) up in the sky. She screamed in pain.

"This time there will be no heroic escape. I was a fool to toy with you and let you walk away with your life before, but I won't make that mistake again."

I readied myself for Ghirahim's attacks. He was then surrounded by orange diamonds then they turned black. He raised his hands up and the flurry of diamonds engulfed his figure.  

"That, I promise."

Then from the seal we were both standing on a diamond platform rose. The platform we were on was made up out of many tiny diamonds. When he emerged he was black and white. His looks contrasted Fi's. He had the same hairstyle as her but white. His body was just black with white diamond designs. He was much more muscular. 

"If only I'd put you in your place from the very beginning. Show a human a little mercy and next thing you know, he thinks himself your equal! Given my station, I had to maintain some semblance of dignity, so I let you run with your life... Twice, even. Such a guilty pleasure... But instead of scurrying away like any creature with a basic instinct to survive, you just kept coming back. Again... and again... and again. I've let a mere boy make a fool of me for the last time. You stand before a demon... or should I say, a weapon without mercy!"

Then for a second a demonic sword took his place. It looked like my Master Sword. But larger, darker, and demonic.  

Then he punched my side. I was flung to the edge of the platform we were on. Then kicked my stomach. I fell off the platform and landed on a platform below it. Then he was about to impale me with a sword but I rolled out of the way barely in time. His sword was stuck in the ground and I hit his left arm with my sword. I started trying to strike him but he blocked every single blow. But I was knocking him to the edge of the platform. And when I knocked him onto another platform beneath us I stabbed him in the chest. I kept doing this until we got to the ground. 

On the ground he got his rapier. Now he was quicker with his movements, more precise and more deadly. But still managed to parry him and I stabbed him in his chest. Then he sent daggers at me. Unlike he used to they were sharper and faster. I didn't have a chance to deflect them only to shield myself. But eventually I got used to his erratic attack patterns. 

Then he summoned an axe like sword. It was larger and looked heavier. But it broke easily and soon he was defenseless. I stabbed him in the chest even more. Then he fell to his knees holding his hand to his chest.

"This... this is preposterous. Driven to my knees by a simple child of man. Laughable! No matter how many times we clash, I can't prevail! You think I can't defeat you? You think I can't win?? Boy... what are you?"

Then he started to laugh sadistically.

"Ah... But never mind that. Victory is still mine to savor. While we fought, the ritual I started continued... At last, it's complete! The demon king shall devour the soul of the goddess and resurrect in his full glory!"

The seal beneath Ghirahim turned red and (Y/n) started to scream. Her (f/c) aura was being taken from her body. Darkness engulfed the whole area. When the darkness cleared away the Imprisoned stood before me. Then it opened its mouth. All of (Y/n)'s (f/c) aura was absorbed by the Imprisoned. A purple orb surrounded the Imprisoned.

"Don't you see? It's all over! You and your kind have lost! This world and everything in it now belong to darkness! They belong to my master! Plus you don't need dear (Y/n), you have her sister. Oh wait, you don't anymore!"

The Chosen Hero's Goddess (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now