Chapter 11

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Link's POV 

Purple mist engulfed the entire area and when it cleared I was met with a giant figure. He had hair that were flames and eyes that matched his flaming hair. On his forehead was a white X from the seal. His entire body was bulging with muscles and was black or cover with black veins.

Ghirahim bowed down to the demon.

He said, "Welcome back to us, Master."

Demise put his hand in a ball then released his fist at Ghirahim. Purple aura hit Ghirahim and his eyes widened. He fell to the ground, it was like metal hitting the ground. Then red aura surrounded Ghirahim's body. A red ball of energy was being taken from his chest. The demonic sword I saw before was being retrieved from his chest. Once it was released from Ghirahim's body to flew to Demise. He caught and the blade glowed red and Ghirahim was formed into it.

That's when I realized:

Ghirahim is Demise's Fi  

Then all his attention was at me and I raised my sword. Now my sword's blade was green. 

Demise said, "...So you are the chosen knight of the goddess. Intriguing... The goddess lowered herself to a mortal existence to keep me imprisoned. How pathetic. This bag of flesh pales in comparison to the magnificence of her previous form."

He swung his sword upwards which made a whirlwind towards (Y/n). When it hit her, her body was flung away. I was going to try to catch her.

Groose yelled, "Don't worry, Link! Groose has got this!"

The Groose jumped with his arms out trying to catch (Y/n). There was a large dust cloud around them. When it cleared there was Groose siting down holding onto (Y/n) while (Y/n) lay there in his lap. 

"Link, I... I caught her! She's OK!"

I was relieved and I faced Demise.

"Hmm... So you and that other human would stand before obliteration to aid the goddess, would you? How curious... The humans I've known were weak things. Hardly more than insects, shivering under rocks and ready to flee at a mere glimpse of me. When last I walked this world, they did little more than scream and cling to their goddesses, mewling and praying... Counting on them to protect them. How amusing to think those cowards begot someone like you."

I got in attack stance and he started to laugh. 

"You grow more fascinating by the second, human. I never imagined I'd meet one of your kind who wished to stand against me in battle. Very well, then. I shall prepare a place for us where we will not be bothered by distractions. If you still have the courage to face me, seek me there."

I started to walk forwards.

"Link, it's all on you! Oh, and listen up! Grannie had some info for you! The old girl says it'll take time for that grease wad to absorb (Y/n)'s soul completely! If you can take him down before her souls gets all sucked up by that... thing, you might still have a chance! I... I know you can do it! So... yeah! You've gotta do this! You're all (Y/n)'s got! You've got to make this happen!"

I thought:

I lost Zelda but I can't loose (Y/n).

Demise swung his sword horizontally then rose it upwards. Then a black and purple whirlwind surrounded him. 

"If you fear for your life, do not follow me. You can spend what little time your world has left cowering and crying, as befits your kind. But if you truly desire to raise your blade against the would I would build, come for me. I've waited eons to return. I can spare a few more moments to let you decide."

The Chosen Hero's Goddess (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now