"TRUE DARK" - Chapter 3

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FEBRUARY 20, 2018
North of San Amaro Park

"Ryad, no."

Jackal looked to Mira. "This is the best way. We're running out of time and we both know it. Maybe López knows something."

"Maybe López will turn us in."

"We won't let him." Ryad shrugged. "What do we have to lose, Elena? Just a matter of time before we're hunted. They could be here already."

Elena sighed. "This is stupid."

Ryad eased off the brake and let the car slowly roll toward Alba's house, leaving the headlights off. He shifted to park and propped the door open. "Just roll with it. Be calm. Stay chill and we might not have trouble. Just visiting some old friends of mine."

"Yeah. That went so well for us last time."

The man rolled his eyes. He took another couple painkillers and washed them down with a swig of water before stepping outside and pulling a jacket on to hide his bandaged shoulder. Elena joined him, and they were soon strolling up to the front door of Alba Hassan's residence.

Ryad knocked softly. Elena cast a glance around the yard. On any other occasion she might have had time to appreciate the moonlight and the white glow it cast upon the world around them. A soft wind blew, rustling leaves and coaxing a song from wind chimes that hung on Alba's porch.

The door opened, revealing a pretty woman with dark hair and a child cradled in one arm.

Elena shot Ryad a glance, which he skillfully ignored.

"My God. Ryad? Is that you?"

The man smiled. "It's great to see you, Alba. Been too long."

The woman nodded, bobbing her baby up and down. "It has!" Her eyes wandered to Mira. "What brings you both here? Who's your friend?"

"Ah!" Ryad put a hand to Elena's shoulder. "Forgive me. Where are my manners? This is my lovely girlfriend, Elena."

Elena's mouth dropped open. "Uh, actually-"

"She's a bit shy," Ryad interrupted obnoxiously, a mischievous grin crossing his lips. "Thought I'd show her where we grew up. She-"

His words tumbled into a hiss of pain when Elena slugged his wounded shoulder. "We work together," she stated flatly. "Nothing more."

Alba chuckled. "Always the comedian, Ryad. Come in! Adrian is here."

Ryad winced, gripping his shoulder gingerly. "Adrian López? How about that." He fired a discreet glare at Elena, who met it with a smoldering, annoyed stare.

Alba's tone grew solemn, and her eyes widened with concern. "Were you both at the hotel? It's all over the news. Is that why you're back home?"

"Yeah." Ryad shut the door behind him. "It was rough."

"I'm sorry." The woman turned and walked into the kitchen, motioning for them to follow. "Adrian was telling me a little about it. He's in the shower now."

They filed into the kitchen and sat at a small dining table. Alba set her little girl into a high-chair. "She's so fussy. I never get to sleep." The woman looked to Ryad. "You haven't met Camila, have you?"

Ryad shook his head. "Didn't know you were a mother. Congratulations."

Alba smiled warmly. "Thank you. She's really helped." Her face softened, and her gaze grew distant. "After Sergio... well. Camila has been a lifesaver. Adrian's a wonderful father. Can I get you two anything to drink? Water? Beer?"

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