"EL LEÓN" - Chapter 9

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     Weaver stared wide-eyed through his scope. "Jesus Christ."

     "What?" came Nomad.

     "I got a shot off. Hit her square in the chest. She went down and got back up like she stubbed her fuckin' toe."


     "Affirmative. You have three hostiles outside the perimeter. All females, southeast corner. I don't have an angle."

     "You have an issue with your phone?"

     "Roger that. Fucked up my aim. Couldn't re-focus for a kill shot." Weaver stood and lifted his rifle from the grass. "Repositioning. Watch your asses, guys. These chicks ain't messing around."

     "Copy. Maintain overwatch."

*               *               *

     Jackal's heart had sunk when both Nomad's and Holt's phones had went off.

     He had then quickly realized that the security guards nearby were all fumbling through their pockets, experiencing the same problem. The whole of Senator Costa's villa was singing the same song, ringtones chirping and buzzing to the stars and anyone within earshot.


     Ryad lowered his head and cursed silently. He nudged Nomad, who was hugging the corner of the poolhouse. "We don't have much time."

     "Bowman's got the air locked down," Nomad replied. "No emergency signals getting in or out of here."

     For a moment, Jackal considering telling Nomad the truth. He knew exactly why everyone's phones had gone off, all over the villa grounds... and if Dokkaebi was there, that meant she wasn't alone.

     Ryad's vendetta hung at risk. He was closer to his brother's murderer than he had ever dared dream.

     "Still, another team is here. We need to move."

     "Just follow our lead."

     A deep humming noise boomed, and the sounds of electricity being redirected reached their ears. The lights to the main villa flickered back to life, though the rest of the grounds remained shrouded in darkness.

     "Back-up generator," Nomad muttered. "Holt, send another EMP drone into that house. Try to find it. Jackal and I will watch your six. Kruger, Midas, advance."

     Holt obeyed, and Ryad sighed inwardly as he watched the drone float away into darkness. He had to get to the main building before his old companions found him. This would be the only chance he would ever have to exact justice for Faisal.

     That was when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, near the perimeter wall.

     Ela was leaning out of cover, sweeping her aim about before retreating from view.

     Ryad's mouth fell open. How had they found him?

     Holt was staring intently at the monitor of his drone's camera.

     Nomad was checking on Kruger's status over comms.

     Jackal seized his chance. He sprang to his feet and dashed for the main house. Nomad hissed his disapproval and tried to run after him, but decided to hang back in the shadows.

     "Fuck. Jackal's moving solo," Nomad called. "Check your fire."

*               *               *

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