"EL LEÓN" - Chapter 8

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     Caveira's legs tensed. She prepared to sprint for a takedown before the man could use his radio.

     The lights flickered. Circuits in the walls and ceiling sparked. Bulbs snapped with static.

     The power went out. The entire room had been plunged into darkness.

     MP5 cursed under his breath. He brought his radio up to speak, but never uttered a word.

     Caveira hurtled over the bar and sprinted for the security guard. Darkness covered her approach, but her rapid footsteps startled the man so badly that he jumped in fright.

     The woman crashed into him. They rolled across the floor, grappling with each other for control.

     MP5 threw his weight into her, gaining the advantage. His hands grasped wildly at his phantom attacker, and for a fleeting moment he thought he had the woman pinned.

     Caveira swept one leg over the man's head while maintaining grip with the other, and she twisted him to the floor. He hardly had a chance to react before she was upon him with a choke hold.

     The security guard's legs flailed in protest. Taina flexed the muscles in her forearms taut against the man's neck.

     His gasps for breath became fewer, and his head finally slumped face-first to the tile.

     "He's done."

     Vigil cocked his head uncertainly.

     Caveira rolled her eyes. "He's not dead, Hwa." She reached into a pouch on her chest rig, produced a zip-tie restraint, and cuffed the unconscious man's wrists behind him. "Grace, what the hell happened? Power's out."

     "Not us," Dokkaebi hastily informed over the radio. "We just saw it. Looks like the power went out to the entire villa."

     Caveira flashed an uneasy glance at Vigil. "Think they made us?"

     "Negative," came Zofia. "The guards look confused. Probably just a power outage."

     "We'll use it to our advantage. Hwa and I are moving to the main house. Zofia, you take point on your end. Act on your best discretion."

*               *               *

     While Zofia, Ela and Dokkaebi moved towards the southeast corner of the villa, the Ghost Recon team watched from their perch above it, on a bluff to the north.

     "Their generator's toast," Nomad murmured softly.

     "Good shit."

     "Yup." Weaver peered through the scope of his M14 Battle Rifle. "We poked the hornet's nest. They're all stirred up."

     "We'll use the darkness and confusion to our advantage." Nomad steered his EMP drone back to their position for recovery. "Holt - you're with me. We'll cross the northern wall. Weaver, stay on overwatch. Kruger, Midas, circle to the high ground on the east and insert. Suppressors on. Lethal force authorized, but Senator Costa stays alive."

     Everyone voiced their confirmation and rallied up.

     The Ghost Team leader landed his drone, scooped it up into his pack, and wiped dirt off his forearms. "Jackal, you're with me. Don't leave my sight."

     Ryad nodded. "Sí, señor."

*               *               *

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