"EL LEÓN" - Chapter 10

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     Senator Roberto Costa jogged down the hallway of the second floor of the main house. Four men escorted him, and they urged the senator to keep up as politely as they could manage.

     "What is happening?"

     "Security breach. Please keep moving, Senator."

     Two men led Costa through spacious hallways on the second floor. Huge rays of moonlight shone generously through large windows, and the seaside coast reflected beautifully upon the glass.

     A burst of gunfire rattled off from outside, echoing into the night. Shouts of men followed.

     The entourage didn't stop. They herded their VIP towards the second floor panic room, to which the entrance was cleverly hidden in plain sight via a secret door.

     Costa's security guards activated the entrance and rushed him inside. Their hearts were pounding in anxious unison. How many drills had they run on the villa grounds? How many times had they practiced VIP evacuation procedures and emergency siege protocol?

     It didn't feel real. This was no drill, and every man knew it.

     "Inside, sir." His Chief of Security gestured to the gaping hole in the wall behind a large painting. "Please."

     Senator Costa obliged. He could smell the fear in his chief's voice. He could sense the weak nerves of his men, and it made him angry.

     Costa was no stranger to blood. His was the calmest heart in the room. He was not afraid. He had known somehow, someday, someone would come for him.

     His men didn't fully know who they were protecting.

*               *               *

     Caveira watched a small security team jog near the pool. They passed right by her perch in the dark shadows of a cluster of palms and raced to take positions at the perimeter fence.

     The shadow of the villa main house loomed over her, partially obscuring the moon above. She and Vigil had diverted outside after their encounter with the drone.

     "Zofia - hanging in there?"

     "Enjoying the stars."

     Caveira reached for an impact grenade. "You've got hostiles headed your way. Putting out a frag for a diversion."

     "Negative. I'm fine."

     "You're stubborn. Don't argue with me. Dokkaebi, Ela, you both copy on diversion?"


     "Impact in twenty seconds." Caveira turned to Vigil. "Climb."

     Hwa nodded. He slung his weapon across his back and hoisted himself up onto the patio wall. While Caveira covered, Vigil jumped to a sturdy stone outcropping that lined the building, edging under the tall windows of the second floor.

     The man clung to the wall, lifted himself up to a second floor balcony, and swung his legs over the railing.

     "It's a guest bedroom," he informed. "Clear."

     Caveira nodded and followed Vigil up. He extended a hand to help her up onto the balcony, but she stubbornly ignored it and climbed up on her own.

     "Impact out."

*               *               *

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