Daniel seavey

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3rd person

Maybe it was the smile or maybe the mysterious brown eyes, but something about the little boy; his now roommate, made Daniel curious. He was intrigued but the doctors were still swarming the smaller kid so Daniel just waved and went across the hall to the curly haired boy he had spotted earlier. He walked into the room and knocked on the door but he didn't say anything. He slightly moved letting Danny know he wasn't asleep.

"Umm hey my names d-Daniel I'm in the room across the h-hall," Daniel stuttered and walked over to the chair near his bed. "Hey" Jack whispered and continued to look out the window. Daniel shifted uncomfortably in his chair and messed with the paws of his big sweatshirt. He looked at the boy in front of him and could tell he was in pain, both physically and mentally. "I-um so why are u in here?" Daniel asked as he looked at the ground. The older boy just sighed and looked at the skinny boy in front of him, almost shocked at his size, before answering "Multiple sclerosis if you know what that is" he said and looked at Daniel more closely. He was skin and bones, Jack couldn't really remember what it was called but he knew the smaller kid had something. "How about you?" He asked Daniel who just whispered "anorexia" as Jack nodded. "I'm sorry...how old are you...?" Jack trailed off not knowing the shy boys name as he sat up in his bed. "Daniel and I'm 17," he told Jack who looked shocked again; "w-wow you're small I'm 17 too," Jack said and smiled at Daniel who finally looked up. "I know I'm tiny and w-what's multiple sclerosis?" Daniel asked afraid he sounded stupid, "its where my nerves like break down and it hurts...I get really bad headaches and really tired and stuff" Jack said and asked Daniel why he was in here. "Don't you normally go to like therapy for anorexia?" Jack asked sounding ruder than he intended and also feeling stupid for not knowing. "Well I um tried that and well my parents got sick of me and said I wasn't getting better and here I am...100 pounds at 17" he ranted and sighed at the end just shrugging. "Well at least we can be friends then I don't really have anyone," Jack said and smiled at Daniel "your name is..." Daniel read the board behind him "jack? I like that it fits you" the smaller giggled and so did Jack, "thanks... I think that nurse wants you" Jack nodded to the door as Daniel rolls his eyes and walked out telling his new friend as you later.

Daniel was taken to a room in the back where Samantha weighed him, and wouldn't let him see which he didn't appreciate, and took his blood and vitals. "Dani your blood presser is already getting better...I bet you're not as tired eh?" She laughed as Daniel smiled and nodded in agreement "h-how much do I have to weigh to be n-normal?" He asked as she looked at him sympathetically "I can't tell you that you know I'm sorry bud" she said and walked him back to his room. He plopped down on his bed picking his phone up not noticing someone was watching him...the new boy who was now gonna be living with him.

Congestive heart failure ~systolicA chronic condition in which the heart doesn't pump blood as well as it should: systolic (heart walls too thin)

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Congestive heart failure ~systolic
A chronic condition in which the heart doesn't pump blood as well as it should: systolic (heart walls too thin)

3rd person

Another surgery, that's what Zach had the day Daniel first saw him; his 5th to be exact. Zach has systolic congestive heart failure meaning he can't pump enough blood to the rest of his body. His chest always hurt and he had a hard time breathing sometimes. Luckily for him, they found it early, before he completely destroyed his heart in sports. Zach was diagnosed when he was 13 but it started getting worse as he grew into a teenager who really just needed a new heart. Zach's family were very good through the process of his diagnoses but when told they're son would be living in the hospital they couldn't take it. Of course, they went to visit him they would be monsters not to but his younger brother and sister weren't allowed to come see him; they could make his immune system worse than it was. The young boy's disease gave him a weaker immune system which is why he was injected with antibiotics every day, which he can tell you hurts like a mother fucker. He didn't really like when his mom especially would obsess over him because she was always asking the doctors questions. Zach knew she had the best interest in mind.

As the weeks went on that he was in the hospital his mom and dad still had to work so the 15 year old was left alone, the only kid in the cardiac ward and he was hella lonely. His nurse, Samantha the nurse for all the teens, proposed moving Zach to the teen section of the kid's ward which he gladly agreed too.

"So after surgery tomorrow you'll be with a roommate in the teen section" Sam smiled down at him as Zach just took a deep breath since she was taking his vitals and all. "Maybe I'll finally have a friend," he said making he frown. "Don't give me that look" Zach said like the smart ass he is. "Ok ok smarty get some sleep your body needs it" she walked out

The fifteen-year-old didn't remember much about the next morning, only that he was wheeled into the operating room and gave his favorite doctor a fist bump like they did for good luck before all his surgery's.

When he woke up he was in the recovery room and give a popsicle because his throat hurt from the breathing tube. "Moving day Zachy boy" Sam joked as Zach just smiled and fell asleep again. He woke up being taken to his new room when he saw a boy who looked about his age. He just smiled at him and he returned the gesture as Zach just closed his eyes still groggy from the surgery. He slept most of the morning and woke up when the boy he had seen early was in his bed next to him looking at his phone.

"H-hey" Zach spoke softly but it caught the older boys attention

"Hey" Daniel smiled at the younger

"I'm Zach" he breathed heavy and turned his head since he couldn't move his body much yet. The bandages and staples in his chest from surgery still hurting; "I'm Daniel" he walked over to Zach's bedside and sat down in the chair so they could see each other better.

"I'm glad the surgery went ok...sam told me about you a bit"

I like the vibes this book is giving me lol

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