Small A/N :)

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This book is made after episode 25 / Season 2 episode 12  of Noragami (I haven't read the manga yet :'< ) So if your not done watching it, this book might (just might) contain spoilers. (Because I don't want my dear readers being spoiled with this beautiful anime ♡)

Alsoooo this is a Yato x Hiyori or Yatori ff. (YATORI IS LIFEU!)

Andddd I'm new at making fanfictions so please don't hate me, I really did all my best to make this trash published. *Hides face from shame* And please correct me if any of my Noragami facts were wrong, also an advance apology if there will be any grammatical errors and typos ( English isn't my first language). And of course, this is a fan fiction so I'll put my own little twist. *evil laugh*

Thanks for wasting your time reading this trash!

Please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!~  

( *¯ ³¯*)♡

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