Chapter 16

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The next few months went by pretty normally. Lisa started to show more, Shane started vlogging less, and their subscribers were happier than ever. (Besides when Shane missed a few vlogs.)

One day in her 4th month of being pregnant, Lisa decided that she needed to go shopping, as most of her shirts were getting tight.
She decided to go with her two best friends, Randi and Jessica. (A/N: So I'm not entirely sure of their names but these were in their Instagram usernames so I'm assuming...)


"What about this one?" Randi held up a loose fitting shirt on a hanger in a Kohl's, but Lisa scrunched up her nose and shook her head no.
"Ooh this one's cute!' Jessica held up a shirt made for maternity with flowers on it.
"Ooh let me see that." Randi walked over to Jessica. "Lisa please try this on, it would look really cute!"
Lisa looked hesitant but took the shirt, and another one she had picked out to the dressing rooms.
"I'm so excited for her." Randi said while Lisa was still changing. "She got married and got pregnant within a couple weeks! Ooh we'll be like aunts!"
"Yes! I'm going to spoil that little girl rotten." Jessica agreed.
"Why do you think it's gonna be a girl?"
"I'm just hoping."
At that moment Lisa walked out and started modeling the floral top.
"Work it!" Jessica exclaimed, and snapped her fingers with her arm way above her head.
"I like it!" Lisa said, stopping her strutting and playing with the fabric slightly.
"Good! What about the other shirt you had?" Randi asked.
"Nah it didn't fit right. You know what I do wanna find though? I haven't been able to wear dresses since I started showing."
"I'm on it! You two stay here." Randi exclaimed, and with that, she went running to the dress section, leaving behind the other two girls laughing.
"Ok I'm gonna go change back into my actual shirt." Lisa said, and walked back to the little room she was in before.
She came out a short time later and her and Jessica talked until Randi came back carrying what looked like 15 dresses.
"I found these. Some of them aren't as cute, but they were loose fitting so I grabbed them, as well as a few maternity dresses, but those might be a little big until you grow more." She was out of breath and panting, but gave all 15 dresses to Lisa to try on.
"If you think I'm trying all of these on you're crazy." Lisa said over her shoulder.
"Fair enough. Just try on the ones you like." Randi yelled back.
Lisa came out some 10 minuets later after she had tried on the dresses she liked.
"I'm going to get 4 of them. You wanna go put these back for me, please?"
"Sure thing." Randi took the other dresses and went in the other direction but stopped and looked behind her after a few steps.
"Meet you at the checkout?" She asked.
"You got it." Jessica said, and held up her thumb.


"So how was shopping?" Shane asked when Lisa got home, and started rubbing her back, while she was sitting on the couch.
"I got a few dresses, a few shirts, and a few pairs of pants that I'll have to wear when I get huge. How was your day?" She turned her head to look at him and patted the spot next to her, and he sat.
"The doctor called." He said. No emotion was readable on his face.
"Oh my god is everything ok?" Lisa's face filled with worry and she scooted closer to him.
"They got the test results back." A small smile appeared on his face, as did one on Lisa's as well.
"Well?" She asked, after he didn't add anything more.

"It's a girl."

(A/N: wow I am really bad at writing decently sized chapters. So I have decided that starting today, I will update every Friday, until September because I'm gonna be busy on Fridays starting in September, so I'll find a new day but right now Friday works for me.)

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