Chapter 5

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B - "Thanks for coming, goodbye!"
Finally everyone's gone and it's just me and Roy, the way I like it. It was fun hanging out with everyone but I'm not really a peoples person so I cherish the time I get alone with Roy.
A - "Finally some peace and quiet"
B - "Hurray! Do you want to get changed into something a little more comfortable?"
A - "I would but I don't have any other clothes"
B - "Yeah but I do"
A - "Oh Okay then sure!"
B - "Follow me"
And I do just that. We both travel upstairs and then towards Roy's bedroom. I don't like walking into other peoples bedrooms, I feel like it's disrespectful, so I stand at the door.
B - "What are you doing over there?"
A - "I thought you was getting me some clothes"
B - "Yeah I am but you can come sit down while I find you some"
A - "Oh right, okay"
He smirks at me.
A - "What?"
B - "Nothing"
He heads towards his wardrobe still smirking and I sit on his bed. His room is a lot bigger than I thought it was, and he has a huge tv.
A - "I didn't know you had a tv in here"
B - "Yeah, I just got it recently so I can watch films in bed while I have a day off, it comes in handy"
A - "Is That all you watch on there? Wink wink"
B - "Yes! Now fuck off you dirty bitch"
I laugh so hard that I lay down without even realising it.
B - "Bitch! That's my bed your rolling around on"
A - "Sorry!"
She throws some black joggers and a top at me.
B - "Here put these on and shut up"
We both can't help but laugh at each other.
A - "Okay Thanks"
I purposely stand up and begin to get changed right there, I pull my shirt off and that's when Roy notices.
B - "In the other room you whore!"
A - "But why? You've seen me naked before"
B - "What, no I haven't"
A - "Oh come on! Back when I got pissed every night you took me home, took off my makeup and changed my clothes so that I wasn't a mess in the morning, so I know you have"
B - "Yes, but I didn't change your underwear"
We had this crazy back and forth, but it wasn't an angry argument it was more like a funny debate. I love winding him up and I know he likes how I look right now.
A - "Fine I'll go in the other room"
B - "What's the point? Your pretty much undressed now anyway"
Wait what? I was not expecting that. I was only doing it as a joke but this might actually take me somewhere. I continue to undress, I decide to make myself look sensual because I know Roy is looking at me even if he tries to deny it. I undo my pants and slowly slide them over my ass, bending slightly, then I push them down until they meet the floor. I bend down to pick them up and I know my ass is looking good in these boxers.

Bianca's POV:
Not going up to Danny and slamming my lips upon his and squeezing his ass is proving much harder than I thought. I knew letting him stay was trouble but I had no other choice. I could have told him to go into the other room but instead I told him to stay. What am I thinking? But who in their right mind would give up the chance to see Daniel Noriega's body? And he is right, I have seen him naked before, it was during drag race, there was a huge party one night and adore got into a right state, he was pissed out of his head and he was throwing up in the club. I decided to take control of the matter considering all the other queens were also pissed and I was the only one sober enough to walk. I took him to his room and I couldn't leave him in full drag and covered in sick, so I took his makeup off for him and changed his outfit, I had no choice but to undo his tuck because it's dangerous to stay in it for over 12 hours. That was when I appreciated how attractive he actually was, he looked so innocent and calm whilst he was asleep. Of course he doesn't remember any of this and I'm not planning to remind him. Right now I had to prevent my eyes from landing on his body again. I turn away and start rooting through my wardrobe even though I had the clothes in my hand.
A - "You can look at me you know, it's only a human body, you have exactly what I have"
B - "Yes but I'm busy, plus I don't go round getting naked in front of people"
A - "But I'm not naked, I have my boxers on don't I?"
I just giggle and so does he. Come on Danny is super cute, the way he acts dumb, the way he blurts out unnecessary words, oh how he cracks me up.

Adores POV:
He had turned the other way but I can still detect a lip bite when I see one.
B - "Just hurry up and get dressed so you can go downstairs and I can get changed"
A - "You can get changed with me here"
B - "Nice try but no thank you"
He nervous laughs, I have never seen Roy's body because he is always cautious when he is getting dressed. I wish he was more confident, I know he has an amazing body and he needs to know that. But I respectfully shove on his clothes and head downstairs. After a quick 5 minutes Roy joins me downstairs.
B - "Hey chola"
A - "Hi, I just want to apologise for what I did up there, I was acting so childish and I shouldn't have done that"
B - "Oh nonsense! Your only human, and your only 28, believe me if I had your body I would be naked all the time"
He laughs it off but I can't help but blush.
B - "Now what do you want to do?"
A - "We could watch a film?"
B - "Okay sure, lets do that!"
A - "But only if we can watch it I'm your room!"
He is hesitant but agrees.
B - "Alright then you go get it ready and I'll grab us a bottle of wine"
And with that I run upstairs and hop in his bed, no lie this is the comfiest bed ever! I hear Roy's footsteps coming up the stairs so I roll over and pretend to be asleep.
B - "Oh hell no!"
I am trying my best not to laugh but it is killing me.
B - "If I come over there and your awake I'm gonna kick you out onto the streets"
He puts down the wine and glasses on the cabinet and crawls onto the bed. He is lay next to me face to face waiting for me to crack. I can't help but laugh, I open my eyes and he is inches away from my face.
A - "Eww bitch get out of my face!"
B - "Really queen?"
He pulls the covers off me and starts tickling me nonstop.
A - "Stop it Roy!"
B - "Aww is Danny talking in his sleep"
A - "Roy Im not joking stop it! I'm awake I'm awake!"
He jumps off the bed and over to the tv laughing to himself.
A - "That wasn't funny"
The irony was insane as I was laughing while talking.
B - "Well I found it very amusing! Now what do you want to watch?"
A - "You can choose, I'm not that fussy"
He ended up putting on a really old film, and old films bore me, so I was trying my best not to fall asleep. My head falls onto Roy's shoulder and he turns his head to face mine. I am currently lay in Roy's bed with Roy! I'm trying not to cuddle him too much but I can't help it, he is like a human teddy bear.
B - "Danny, if your tired you can go bed"
A - "No it's fine I'll watch the rest of this film"
B - "Come on it has another hour left and your falling asleep on my arm"
He steps out of bed and helps me up, he doesn't even need to do this because I'm not drunk I'm just tired, but I let him anyway. He grabs my hand and walks me to the spare bedroom and lays me on the bed.
A - "You know you didn't have to do this"
B - "Maybe i wanted to"
I smile at him and he kisses my forehead.
B - "Goodnight Daniel"
A - "Goodnight Roy"

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